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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Jalin making a big play. This team still looks like ass today, and the TOs are the key. Can't blame the weather today.
  2. Much like Minnesota, a game that should be over before the 2nd, is not, because of horrid mistakes. Way too aggressive on that big run by the QB, and fumble-itis.
  3. BREAKING NEWS: NOAH SPENCE REINSTATED. They went ahead and gave him the Heisman too. Which he held high above his head as he was triumphantly carried out of the appeals hearing on the backs of the committee. This may or may not have been an ecstasy induced fever dream.
  4. Damn man, sorry to hear that. Thieves are the fucking worst.
  5. Reports coming out that Braxton plans on staying at Ohio State for 2015, which I don't really think is newsworthy since that's what we were already made to believe in the first place, but there it is.
  6. LG G2 or G3 One Plus One HTC M8 Nexus 5
  7. The only positive in this scenario is the backlash that would occur would likely implode the 4 team playoff, and open the door to an immediately implemented 8 team. Of course then the issue would be if the SEC only gets 6 or 7 playoff spots.
  8. SBnation has projected the same results with it looking like this. College Football Playoff Rose No. 2 Oregon No. 3 Florida State 1/1/2015 Pasadena, CA Sugar No. 1 Alabama No. 4 Ohio State 1/1/2015 New Orleans, LA ESPN's power-rankings look similar. Of course they can't stop knob-slobbing the SEC so they have MSU at 4, OSU at 5.
  9. We had the chances to cover, and put the game away with enough style points to make an impression, we just put the ball on the ground a couple times and paid the price. Did the weather affect that? Maybe, we've certainly had issues with ball handles recently, whether or not there is weather ... or not. I still think if we win out, and win the B1G we sneak into the playoff. To be honest the sound of a playoff with these names involved in no particular order: Florida State Alabama Oregon Ohio State Kind of gives me a strange football erection, and that for an inaugural playoff you almost couldn't hand pick a better sounding line-up. Here's hoping.
  10. Which is why when the playoff is inevitably moved to an 8 team format, the first round should be home games for the top 4 seeds. It would saves fans thousands in travel costs, and provide a real benefit for teams that earn it. I would love nothing more than to force some cozy, never plays in sub 50 temps team, to deal with 15 and snowing.
  11. An OSU blowout victory might have had us jump up, but with the score the way it was, I imagine we still end up behind one or both B12 teams, at least for this week. Gotta hope Wisky holds, gets big credit for dismantling Nebraska, and that we can hold Gordon to 1000 yards or less in the championship game. (Last year's defense held him to less than 80 yards, obviously not a totally fair comparison with personnel changes, and that was at home) Oh, and we have to annihilate Indiana and TTUN.
  12. Jesus Christ what a lucky tip and catch. Florida State trying to claw back in.
  13. May have to hope Alabama blows them out something awful at this point. Miss St just looks bad right now.
  14. You can't assault someone, you doubly can't assault someone and be surprised by the return of a similar type of force. If the female, as obnoxious and horrible as she comes off, was only making fun of his jacket, and speech impediment(classy, and pot calling the kettle black given her evisceration of our beloved English language), and was given the hand I would be calling for the guys head. That's not what happened, and her knocking the phone out of the bystanders hand clearly shows she has a lack of understanding in regards to property, and personal security.
  15. I'm not feeling this at all, seems like needless complication. Google Wave 2.0.
  16. My brain tends to run wild when thinking of the offensive possibilities of having both in the backfield. Talk about forcing the defense into playing your game. You could have three major threats that have to be accounted for every play or you will pay with yards, and the potential explosive run. Defense sells out on the run, a mind boggling number of play-action options open up, and with our athletes, we win that battle most of the time. Pick your poison.
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