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Everything posted by sol740

  1. We collectively do so much damage to this community, it is nice to give something back.
  2. Please, don't let me post anymore ... cause I start to do shit like ^^^
  3. I can see your points, but would put forth the counter argument that a 5 year span is nowhere near the amount of time needed to make an assessment of a cultures incline/decline, but that the data needs to be more or less examined over a generational set of years. Seeing as how incline has been the ever popular choice since basically the renaissance I don't see that changing anytime soon. Of course there is (and always have been if you research enough) psychos that snap for whatever reason and go on a killing rampage, or demagogues that want to kill a particular racial/national group of people for "whatever" insane reason, and nothing will change that. However from a general, statistical, and objective view technology has increased our ability to farm, get drinkable water, communicate, treat disease, have a light turn on when we interface a tactile switch, things we all take for granted. In the coming years science looks to perfect ways to create more food supply, more energy through more efficient means, genealogical science to help prevent disease in the first place as opposed to treat, slow aging. Sadly most of us will be too dead to benefit. Most importantly no matter how far we progress there are always going to be total fucking assholes that seem to exist just to fuck up everybody else's fun and that sucks. Our current justice system, while imperfect, is still almost historically unheard of in terms of rules, and general fairness of the precedings. Also pertaining to self-centeredness, I suggest you read the Monkeysphere as it simultaneously makes light of, and seriously addresses several key issues that are simply part of our overall survival make-up. Of course even that is just the neological tinkering of a series of actual studies based on our neocortex.
  4. Deadmau5 is teh dope.
  5. While I will not argue that there is still much evil left in this world, even in todays relatively, scientifically-enlightened climate, to use the phrase "decline of the human race" is to ignore thousands of years of raw, and more often than not, brutal human history. We are as a global culture, more empathetic, more forgiving, more able and willing to help each other than has ever existed and that is directly related to technology, not in spite of it. Of course worthless pieces of shit will always exist as given example per the link.
  6. Normally I fancy myself a bit of a humanitarian, but the middle east is just retarded enough for me to turn my back and hit the ignore button. Pipelines can be dug in RAD suits so not all would be lost.
  7. sol740

    Dear Peppermint

    Candy canes kick ass, even the weird colored fruity ones.
  8. Can I has Holden 60 nao plox ?
  9. LOL, I love my nifty. Well I just sold my old walk-around zoom with my rebel, along with the kit lens. So right now the only glass I have left is the nifty, and 12-24mm Tokina. I'm saving up for a couple L lenses (namely the 24-105, and 70-200 2.8)
  10. Recently upgraded my camera so I have been shooting random things like dogs, turkeys, and ricer-mobiles. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMG_0134.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMG_0462.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/Cars/IMG_0648.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/Cars/IMG_0654.jpg Man I wish I had some free time to actually shoot.
  11. Thanks for your service John. I like the goat.
  12. Import Civic Si from europe. Win.
  13. You better fucking take that back, or I'm calling my lawyer about you claiming that you're not a lawyer, and then stating whether you do or do not have a case, even though you just fucking admitted you lack the credentials to make that very determination.
  14. Fucking queers ...
  15. The last time you plugged my keyhole with your love (no homo) I had to have my keyhole surgically reconstructed using the grafted pieces of my broken heart that were leftover from when I didn't get breakfast afterword. Long sentence, long sentence, no homo ... aaaaaand we're done.
  16. My faith in the internet just died.
  17. Where's Tilley ? He can save this thread.
  18. Its like the time I took a shit on the ground in front of a homeless person, and then pretended my steaming pile was begging me for money and I was like ... "No you can't have any of my money, you piece of shit." Just like that.
  19. I just threw up my popcorn. Carry on.
  20. Welcome, be happy its not black.
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