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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Well in that case I'm throwing a party in your honor, right now in my cubicle. You should see how crazy everyone's getting. Next time I see you on Central College/Sunbury Rd you'll get a slice of cake. CONGRATS !!!
  2. I should have gone with a handful of different books, magazines, and newpapers and asked her which one(s) she wanted to sign. ... GOTCHA !!!
  3. That's so fucking sad I don't know what to say.
  4. sol740


    Happy bday jerk.
  5. Or the inside of her ass cheeks ... OM NOM NOM NOM. AMIRITE !?!?
  6. Please go over the "history of this country" in regards to Christmas, that everyone should care about.
  7. sol740

    i want a free phone

    Phone subsidization has been available as a program called Lifeline for years.
  8. Yes indeed. Fuck it right in the ear. Sad news.
  9. So the son admitted to molesting the 3 yr old ... and the father killed him. Damn. That's fucked on many levels.
  10. Beating TTUN is its own championship. Even if we were playing to see who was going to be dead last.
  11. Throwing money at folks who obviously can't manage it, is a terrible idea. How much did they throw at Rick Nash recently ? Or the other players ? Or the coaches, staff, owners ? They don't want to dig in their pockets when they are the ones directly responsible for the success/failure of the business ??? If you can't generate enough revenue selling tickets, concessions, tshirts, jerseys then you should fuck off. I love hockey, but fuck paying TAXES for it.
  12. X2 Demon Souls FTW ! You do have to appreciate a little masochism though, that game beats the fuck out of you with no apologies.
  13. Linux. Ubuntu FTW. To do my best in actually answering your question though, Apple builds some fantastic machines, both aesthetically and functionally. You can't really go wrong. Don't believe the hype though about security though, its safety net is that the majority of malware is directed at Windows due to the saturation. Though the illusion of security still exists for now. Actual security still falls on the user in the end. You will be able to build/buy a comparable, if not faster, machine in the PC/Windows world for cheaper, and have greater access to programs/games natively.(ofcourse you can do the vmware/bootcamp route) Windows 7 is a decent upgrade to XP (finally), and is making strides in overall usability.
  14. If thrown hard enough an apple should have plenty of force behind it to break a window.
  15. Uncharted 2 is must-have. Infamous is pretty sick too.
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