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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Yes. Oh Yes. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/CIMG0157.jpg
  2. Welcome Billy. Not going to get any fire here, that was a good intro.
  3. A wise man, quoted for truth. And because he paid me to.
  4. I am inclined to disagree with you. Using the gay community as an example, it wasn't until the protests, marches, and populace education that gays began to gain more acceptance, or even basic tolerance amongst the general community. Also, this billboard is hardly a proper analogue to say a billboard that states "You're going to hell, because you're a heathen !!!". I otherwise agree with you about being 'left alone', in a perfect world, spiritual belief, or lack thereof, would hold little to no consequence on a personal, professional, or even political level. Unfortunately this is not the case today. Statistics have shown that voters would be 2 times as likely to vote an openly gay man/woman into a political office than an openly atheist man/woman. Why is that ? It it simply because religious culture has permeated our sociological conscious so deeply that often the word 'atheist' is immediately confused with 'evil'. I could write an essay on this and I won't, but I don't think the message of the billboard is to try and bombard someone with anti-religious rhetoric until they just give in. Rather than say, "Hey, if you have similar interests, please join".
  5. Thank the absent-god in the sky, that I wasn't the only one that wanted to crash that shit. "So you must be a godless slut right ?" will be my opener.
  6. Forza 3 Dragon Age:Origins (mostly this) MW2 Operation Flashpoint
  7. I hate liars. I will do everything I can to make sure liars get their come uppance. Having never lied myself makes me all the more qualified to judge. Though do you think he could help me with a project I have coming up. A single day turbo fab-up is pretty impressive ! I fucking lol'd. I was expecting a thoughtful write-up on habitual liars. I'm glad that wasn't the case.
  8. I'm just atheist enough, to not attend atheist church. Kidding aside, I would assume those interested enough in expanding their understanding of our universe, through science and exploration, would have enough motivation to seek out like-minded groups on their own. Of course that viewpoint is highly unscientific, relative to studies showing comparable favor to 'shiny objects' between humans and birds. So I guess the louder, the better ? Did I say "Kidding aside ... " because balls. That's why, hairy balls. Kidding aside, it's not really rubbing anything in anyone's face per se. It's simply reaching out to a specific targeted demographic, like most adverts. Now if the board said "FUCK YOU GOD YOU FUCKING WHORE YOU DON'T EVEN EXIST !" Then I would agree with you.
  9. sol740

    Taylor Swift

    I would take a huge shit on her.
  10. This one qualifies as cruel and unusual.
  11. Did someone say "rape"?
  12. I love the description. " ... want a car no one else has ..." Buy a mustang !
  13. Been a line loser on many occasions, for many different events. As god is my witness ... I will be again.
  14. Welcome, I also computate, and enjoy cars and Chinese food.
  15. sol740

    Columbus Racing?

    I have a family now and no time. Though I do love a good race, even if I miss third.
  16. No shit, I wanna see the conclusion.
  17. More shit real close to my house. Greeeeeeaaaat.
  18. Welcome, reserving rep to see how you handle yourself in here.
  19. That hardly means anything though, code optimization is what counts, so a comparison would have to be on a game by game basis, and not system by system. It all depends on how much work the dev is going to put into each version, the toolset available, and understanding of the architecture. Which you would be hard-pressed to find a dev, that isn't first-party, who would tell you the PS3 is easier to program for. 8 total SPU's (6 available),GPU, and less memory bandwidth, compared to a 'PC similar', tri-core, GPU, and higher memory bandwidth. There are plenty of multiplatform games that look/run better on 360, soley because it is easier to optimize. If it sounds like I'm down on Sony, that couldn't be further from the truth. I very much love my PS3, I just prefer games over system stats (that often-time mean very little). Though I didn't purchase a PS3 until some really good exclusives were available for it. Killzone 2, Uncharted 2, and inFAMOUS specifically.
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