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Everything posted by sol740

  1. As opposed to the mountains of factual evidence presented by ... nevermind this is a waste of time. You guys all go ahead and stop getting vaccinated.
  2. Are you posting research done by the Mayo Clinic ? Ok, here's some more ... http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/vaccines/CC00014
  3. http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=53724 http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-vaccine2-2008may02,0,6944471.story Also the reason un-vaccinated people aren't catching either of the above listed diseases is simply because most of us are vaccinated, so the likelihood of the disease being spread is minimal. Though people who at one time received vaccines, can still contact a disease after a long enough period of time.
  4. When I think of the list of vaccinations I've received, and compare that to a list of once common diseases, I feel perfectly fine getting the usual shots. I'm not saying every vaccine that comes out should be taken without question, but as more and more people flock to the no-vaccine bandwagon, we are seeing rises in diseases we all pretty much thought were eradicated in developed countries.
  5. X2, I can't laugh at someone being so fucking wreckless around kids. He was moving pretty quick towards a puddle of water, not smart.
  6. X2, I have a projector in a dedicated theater room and its fantastic in a controlled environment, but I wouldn't want one in the living room. My buddy just bought a 60" DLP and the picture is great after a decent, amateur calibration. For the $899 he paid it hardly matters what the resale value will be in four or five years. At only 15 inches deep it definitely saved spaced compared to his old CRT rear-projection set too.
  7. x2. Pryor is an amazing athlete, but I doubt his ability to be effective at the QB position. His arm seems to be getting worse as the year goes by, and he follows his man with laser eyes. Bauserman may need some reps, and Pryor may need shuffled to a receiver position. His height, and natural elusiveness may be of better use there.
  8. sol740

    my new ride

    Nice. Very clean.
  9. sol740

    Gameworks Tonight

    I wish I didn't have this cold, I could use a night out. Oh well, I'll play Opflash.
  10. I'm really sorry to hear that, I hope for the best.
  11. Wasn't she kind of chubbs before ? Cause based off of the pics up there I would hit that wearing nothing but the flag ... Meghan ... Prepare for glory !!!
  12. I agree completely, mixed kids are ruining the economy, and are terrible for healthcare because you need to spends millions adding an extra checkbox for the 'race' section on forms.
  13. My erection did a .05 at an astonishing 500mph, if I were foreskinned, I'd be on my way to the hospital.
  14. What the fuck is going on in here ?
  15. I've got you beat, I haven't had one in 8 years ... I feel great too.
  16. I never find stuff like this funny. Maybe I'm not to hell after all. Nah ... I am.
  17. B Would you rather have "would you rather" threads ... or would you rather not ?
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