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Everything posted by sol740

  1. I can't believe the part where Prime teams up with He-man and they try to salvage the tattered remains of my adored, childhood memories. That was totally the best part.
  2. Penis at attention. Whoops ... flaccid again.
  3. I've driven my buddies on many occasions, basically stock besides exhaust, and I love it. Its peppy, looks good, gets good MPG, and has a comfy interior. I also test drive one years ago, before I bought my 300zx, so around 2005. The sales guy was not happy with the flogging I gave that car.
  4. I got that beat. Many years ago there was an Alligator name Alvin, he lived peacefully in a swamp in Texas. Alvin obeyed the laws of the wild. He knew he had to hunt to live, and he knew that his prey had to escape him to live. This bred a mutual respect between Alvin and his would be adversaries. The laws of the wild were just one of many virtues Alvin's parents had instilled in him. Alvin's father was a massive alligator, respected all through the swamp. His legacy extended for millions of years through time, and even though it could not be directly traced for more than three generations, the sheer size and will of the reptile were more than enough proof that Alvin's lineage was of a noble path. Alvin's monthly feedings generally consisted of one or more large forest-dwelling mammals. They would come down to the waters edge to quench their thirsts of the dry, scorching Texas sun. Here is where our protagonist would meet his worthy opponents. Alvin being of a noble bloodline, and having a sense of honor and dignity, never preyed on the young, or sick. No ... his father wanted him strong, commanding, able to take down the most vigorous rival that should come to call, with five thousand pounds per inch of bone-splintering force. This kept the gator sharp, and ensured the meat he ingested was healthy, better to promote his proud, family genealogy. Then some dickhead shot him in the face. THE END
  5. To show Mother Nature what for. Pssssh ... thought that was obvious.
  6. LOL, I think it was meant as "Hey ... anybody here, about Artie Lange ? Cause I'm all about some Artie Lange." Video is down
  7. sol740


    I was pretty much joking and than I saw that, and I love it.
  8. sol740

    V8 GT-R

  9. Holy shit the comments are better than the video(which was funny). I'm always telling folks that eugenics is a good thing and everyone always gets pissy with me about it. Youtube proves me right everytime.
  10. But if there was a fire and everyone got out alive, that would displace them into other ... ohhhhhhhhhhhhh ...
  11. sol740

    touching story.

    That fucking breaks what little heart I have.
  12. LOL, of course our implementation of any major network upgrade is going to be different because we're so spread out compared to many of the countries that have much better data services. 3 cities are supposed to have "4G" this summer. Yes, neither LTE or Wimax technically meet the official ITU 4G standard (not by quite a bit), but thats what all the carriers are going to call it regardless. It is still a substantial upgrade to the current "3G". I've tested my throughput on countless occasion, and on EVDO Rev A. the fastest I've seen is around 1.2 Mbps. If our "4G" is theoretically around the 12Mbps, I'd be happy about that upgrade and they could call it 88G for all I care. Can I stop typing "4G" with the "..." now ?
  13. sol740


    Trans Am Nostril hood. Welcome.
  14. Fuck that. Welcome noob. I love the red.
  15. Now who's gonna help me with my STI badges ? LOL. Alright, I'll give you plus rep for trying again and not acting like a whiny bitch about everybody criticizing your ride. Welcome.
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