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Everything posted by sol740

  1. You'll shoot your eye out.
  2. Linux lovers welcome ?
  3. sol740

    Newb here

    Welcome, nice ride.
  4. You probably got a bunch of parasites. Though she probably got more.
  5. All those stories about cabbies being the most honest people in the world were lies !?!?
  6. Normally these "my shit done stoled" threads get heavy sympathy too ... lol
  7. I was gonna be a dick and say ... "and you are ???", but I will refrain and just say 'good luck' and thanks for your service. Someone else will have to give you the details.
  8. sol740

    Saying HI

    That's the last thing I need. Hell my doctor told me I actually do that too much for a human. "That's crazy ?" Is probably what just flashed quickly through your brain while you read my boast. Ha, well while you were just thinking that ... I had just finished. "Unbelievable ?" you say ? Pssssh ... Well I just finished again.
  9. Welcome, nice car and good numbers.
  10. sol740

    Saying HI

    I wasn't really being serious.
  11. I don't even hunt, but I'd shoot something just to ride in that fucker.
  12. sol740

    Saying HI

    Welcome, great intro. Nice rides.
  13. Road Head The Drink and Drive
  14. Fucking worthless thieves. Will keep eye open for Dodge with stated stickers.
  15. sol740

    new here

    Where the hell is Fremont ?
  16. That fucking sucks ass.
  17. Michael Bay sucks cause he's Michael Bay.
  18. She could be a preternatural demon, from the seventh circle of hell, that violently murders, bifurcates, or dismembers all of her potential mates succubus style ... and be lacquered with a highly corrosive acid, and covered from head to toe with african killer bees, and I would still rub my naked body all over her. Assuming she stays 20-something-ish forever.
  19. She could be lacquered with a highly corrosive acid, and covered from head to toe with african killer bees, and I would still rub my naked body all over her. Assuming she stays 20-something-ish forever.
  20. Cause he was expecting a fight. I want to see what happens after the slap.
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