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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Faster network. Much higher throughput for data services than 2G. Though 4G is rolling out for other major providers at this time.
  2. Hence why I left Tmobile all those years ago.
  3. Set it on fire, if it loves it, it was a moth. If not, oh well ... at least its dead.
  4. I kind of agree, but would I want my kids walking past "naked guy in windows" house. Probably not. Just close your blinds if you want to be naked.
  5. Here ya go http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/original.jpg
  6. I'd say if they burn crosses into your arms, it could qualify as abuse LOL. Though just teaching that creationism is a belief a lot of people have (not teaching a specific religion), and going over the basics mono/poly-theism, deism, and yes atheism could be appropriate in the right context.
  7. I'm in the market for a vette too ... eh, but I'm looking for a C6 vert.
  8. I'd go but I can get the same effect DVRing a bunch of shows at home, skipping past all the "show" parts, and just watching two hours of commercials, while fapping to Megan Fox on teh webz. I'll be doing this for free !!!
  9. sol740

    STI Love

    Low and slow indeed. Well, except steaks of course.
  10. Guns are always fun. Errrr ... well not when they're being pointed at you I suppose.
  11. My mother and siblings are all 6k Christians (two of whom are pastors at their own churches) to the core. We have great thanksgiving conversations, and I respect them for their beliefs even if I fundamentally disagree. Thorne, I don't think anyone here is saying that you are out of line for having your opinion, but not everyone has to agree with you. You are allowing yourself to be viewed in a bully-ish manner, which is no better than the bully-ish Christian, Muslim, whomever, when they try to tell you that you are wrong about believing *whatever*. You're simply coming across too eager, and a little hamfisted at that, to attack without first feeling out the general reactions to a particular topic, and adjusting the volume accordingly. In Thornes defense, plenty of "pro-christian"(which is a hopelessly redundant term in the united states) topics/posts get tossed around, with whomever's agendas or biases (not me of course, I'm perfect) littered in the text of even the most innocuous subjects. Thats what happens in a forum, so the next time you're annoyed that Thorne started yet another anti-christian topic, take my advice. Just don't click. Or do what Rick did, lol. You'll be Thorne free.
  12. Awesome !!! I've been looking for someone that could specialize in installing STI badges in improper locations. I really need an STI badge for my Evo, as a matter of fact I've already taken the liberty of removing all of my rear badges. I just need an expert, such as yourself, to direct me as to how exactly you put STI badges places they don't belong, and how to do so as correctly as possible.
  13. Can't we all just agree that middle-eastern religions are stupid ? No ... we can't? That's what we've been arguing about this whole topic ? Ohhhhh ... I was totally off then, then we should all just get along instead, and go to a nice restaurant and have a steak. Medium rare please
  14. Though I agree that more investigation needs to be done, and it needs to be thoroughly proven that the burnings occurred before the man loses his job. The above quoted is along the same lines of saying "well 'so and so' says she was raped, but no one else around her was raped so she's a liar !!!" Point being that even if it only occurred one time and one time alone, that's already one-time too many. The rightwingers jumped on this guys nuts cause he wanted a bible on his desk, so they rallied round the flag, and got all worked up for the cause. Then all the "psycho burnings" shit surfaced and everyone is still too stubborn to just back away and say "we might've been wrong about this guy, lets look at the evidence". I mean, I've heard people in the news say ... /rant
  15. Nice pics. After I get my wheels powdercoated we're going to have damn near the same car.
  16. Some people need to take the sticks out of their asses. Its a celebration for fucks sake. I'm calling Maine right now to let her know whats going on in there.
  17. That thing just fucking kersploded into a million pieces in less than a second.
  18. Which is a totally valid concern, the last animated sig I dig for myself I had to drop the image down to about half size, and low quality just to get it to 70k. Though there were a ton of frames in that animation, Im sure something more simple wouldn't be so bad.
  19. I can make you an animation that will shuffle slow. I'm not familiar with any randomized photo swapping host though.
  20. sol740

    STI Love

    Oh shit this thread got derailed ... Hugs and Kisses, Rob
  21. Bwahahah ... I have a celica ...
  22. sol740

    STI Love

    Make one less ... ban yourself.
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