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Everything posted by sol740

  1. sol740

    Ticket help?

    Fight the ticket (not guilty, lawyer a good idea) until you can get a deal for no points/no insurance and pay the fine.
  2. sol740

    STI Love

    Welcome, clean looking car. Do with your car as you see fit, but for gods sake please, at least build a balanced system, people that like to listen to nothing but annoyingly loud bass are retarded.
  3. Rule #1 Do not talk about racing on Columbusracing. Rule #2 DO NOT TALK ABOUT RACING on Columbusacing. Rule #3 Members must supply their own Peanut Butter & Jelly sack lunches.
  4. I saw that too. Though I can't clearly see the other arm so I dunno.
  5. Welcome ? Clean car.
  6. WTF is this ? See custom title.
  7. sol740


    Fuck that, I heard they never, ever take returns on anything ever. Never. Unfortunately for you the current economic state will probably send folks running when they see your asking price, even though the value is great, people are being forced into carefully managing every aspect of their spending. Even though the likelihood of selling these items privately is highly unlikely, only being eclipsed by the utter hopelessness of trying to get a return on these items, I would like to step in and play the proverbial White Knight and offer you $150.00. Which you can promptly spend, as opposed to wasting all of your time.
  8. I'm going to go pick some flowers, get my hair done ... or maybe even just call up the guys and have a big "feelings" chat. I can't wait !!!
  9. Welcome, I dig those cars.
  10. ^ what he said, or juice it till it goes boom. Buy fast car/truck.
  11. Congratz !!! My son is due any day now.
  12. sol740

    New Car

    I really like the G37's. They hot.
  13. LOL I usually like to work with a couple of shots, but I just threw this one together. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/DSCF1056copy.jpg
  14. Can't tonight. Though shoot me a friend request on Xbox live and we'll all do some racing sometime.
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