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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Jesus these god damn subes seem to be multiplying. Everytime I kill one two more take its place. Welcome, and -rep for knowing Mike.
  2. I didn't say what kind of race now did I ?
  3. They carry non-lethal weapon and make citizen arrests. These morons are going to fuck with the wrong folks and get themselves killed.
  4. sol740

    new member

    Im getting a red stripe on my wheels ... though its more to pay homage to the beer.
  5. Hey ... ... they're just happy to have a car to sell.
  6. sol740

    new member

    Alright man, you've got some cool pics, and your car minus that lip is very clean. I had a black civic I very much liked, so maybe thats why I don't hate your car. Do you have any plans for this car ? Swap, boost, or even nothing ... please just don't say Intake and Exhaust.
  7. We can't touch this ... http://animoto.com/play/3WfMhm5O3fbzk7uTuSQoOg
  8. sol740

    new member

    ... ... ... Give me a mod list.
  9. ^ everytime you ask you have to wait another day.
  10. ^ dear god mega rotors ... (looks good though) I really dig option # 3.
  11. sol740

    The Term Ricer

    I thiink you may be confused, don't you drive a Mazda 3 ?
  12. You guys are trivializing the interhoppers by posting here. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE !!!
  13. sol740

    WTB EVO.

    ^ ahhhhh ... i remember that ...
  14. I hardly "did" anything. LOL. I do actually agree with you to a certain extent, but the reason I used "Central" was just because so many of us (myself included) don't technically live in Columbus, but around it. In the remixed version I am putting the "Columbus Racing" text in the first text panel, and moving the "central ohio" to the end. NEW LINK IN FIRST POST
  15. Actually it looks like it will let me add more images so hold on and I ll try to get the requested ones in there.
  16. Of course. Sorry folks, I randomly grabbed the pics by simply reloading the main page. The only time I bothered to search was if the pic I grabbed first was poor quality, or small. Then I usually just hit "next picture" and went from there.
  17. I wish I could take more credit for it to be honest. LOL. I do play around with video editing, which is why I wanted to see what how animoto worked cause I had heard good things, as far as simplicity goes. Its pretty dummy-proof simple, you upload, arrange or auto arrange, add subtitles if wanted, or text-slides. After you setup the pics you select a music track and thats about it. All the animation/transition is done on their end.
  18. LOL. I see wheels, foglights, nightshade heads & tails, tint. Definitely looks good. All that tint is hiding an accessport right ? Uhhh ... welcome ... again.
  19. Should just start a video, make sure you're not blocking flash.
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