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Everything posted by sol740

  1. sol740

    What happened to...?

    I have to steal lists because I'm too unimaginative to make my own
  2. Its just a rule here. Don't get all sandy vag. Noobs don't post in other noob threads, don't like it, GTFO.
  3. Didn't we tell a noob not to post in your thread ? And here you are posting in another noobs thread. Don't take this the wrong way but GTFO.
  4. WTF is this !?!? The proper, and approved CR syntax is:
  5. Not my kind of music I guess. Thats the first thing I thought of too. LOL.
  6. You also need a control, which by using the powers of science, would specifically mean me.
  7. Are you aware of how much I hate you guys ? If so, could you kill yourselves ?
  8. 42nd is crowded, the park is full of vagrants, and canal st got folks that will rob you blind. God I love NYC.
  9. You're going to make me bust out the Primus.
  10. No ... my camp counselor asked me if I could keep a secret, and that my parents would die if I ever told anyone.
  11. Only if a pirate serves it to you. (In pirate "serving someone a beer" is a euphemism for "sailing the high gay seas" ... which is a euphemism for getting fucked in the ass by a guy wearing a dorky hat and going "YARRRRRR, this arse be tight ... says I !!!")
  12. Pirates are gay, from this we can deduce ...
  13. Baseball is gay. Everyone of em does it, fuck it, just let em go nuts with it and see what kind of monsters we can make.
  14. I knew that shit wasn't going to happen.
  15. Nice work. Looks teh hotz.
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