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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Ill be there or kroger ... hopefully.
  2. I loved my civic, I treated it like dirt and it ran well into 200k.
  3. sol740

    New to CR

    You should redo your intro with some effort and correct the failtrain before it goes off the track.
  4. sol740

    The Term Ricer

    Quoted. So you're twice the rice ?
  5. sol740

    The Term Ricer

    Let it go man ... just let it go ... Someone who hates your car for *whatever* is going to find a reason to hate on it no matter what. Is it fast ? Even if its fast you fail, cause its FWD.(which you sort of do, lol) Is it slow ? You fail cause its FWD and slow. Now you're a ricer. Is it RWD converted, and fast, with straight pipes ? You should've just bought a RWD car in the first place. Some folks do not appreciate anything if its not EXACTLY what they would do or want, and these morons will find a reason to hate you, even if your only exhaust waste is naked girls with big titties. I'm not defending some of the stupid shit you see out there, but I try not to hate others too much, even if I don't care for their choices when it comes to modifying their cars. I mean ... I do scoff though .... boy do I scoff.
  6. sol740

    The Term Ricer

    On EVO's and STI's they aren't called fartcans, they're called "Awesomeness Tubes".
  7. sol740

    The Term Ricer

    The way I look at it is that some people are going to be ignorant morons no matter what you drive. The term "ricer" of course is historically xenophobic and/or racially derogatory slang for a car built in an asian country. Though over-time, and generational gap, the term partially evolved into meaning "dis-tasteful modification " instead of being directly related to the origin of the vehicle. Hell, I call people ricers and I'm asian, and drive a car that looks like a lowered shopping cart.
  8. My rep page ^ http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/Funny/nooooooo.jpg
  9. Thanks, it is appreciated, like I said I think everything's fine as of now, and this overnighter's more of a formality. SERIOUSLY, we need you banned.
  10. HDD recovery is no joke. I am always telling everyone of my friends and family to keep a second drive as pure backup, whether its external, or internal, for all docs, pics, media, programs and whatnot.
  11. I was going to head out, but I had a family emergency which requires me to be sitting in a hospital room tonight. Everything is ok, but they are monitoring tonight and tomorrow to be safe. So I should hopefully be out and about tomorrow.
  12. Hey dipshit noob, GTFO out of here. Go post in other forum sections and build up some post count and rapport before you begin saying hi, welcoming, or burning noobs. Why ? The idea is pretty simple, you are fucking new. This area is for junior/senior members to welcome/boot other fucking new people. Therefore, you have no business in here. Seriously GTFO.
  13. Welcome ... Decent intro ... Check Posted pics ... Check Titties ??? Bonus Check +rep for you.
  14. Are you saving history on the desktop ? If so do you have Columbusracing.com as a favorite ? It may just pull up your favorites list.
  15. sol740


    Drive down polaris, opposite side of mall, look for kroger lot ... ... the one with all the cars on it. If you need an address to find it after that you're not allowed to go.
  16. It was ... listen to the guy above me.
  17. sol740


    I may make an appearance ... 40 roll the police in the parking lot, and be on my way.
  18. sol740

    IM BACK!!!

    Don't worry the hate is still strong here. Get your pics up.
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