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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Well the timing was terrible (sun right above ruined a lot of my shots), but some didn't turn out too bad. Was bored and cleaned the car, so I figured I might as well go shoot it. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/Cars/d.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/Cars/c.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/Cars/e.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/Cars/f2.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/Cars/h.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/Cars/j2.jpg
  2. I thought one of the key differences was that generally the "regular" flu kills mostly the elderly and very young, where as with H1N1, lots of healthy young people have died. Though Im really not paying that much attention to it so ...
  3. sol740


    I miss my black lab. She was awesome. Though lab puppies are bastards, and they stay puppies ... FOR YEARS.
  4. The one with the girl behind the car, looking like shes trying to stuff your tailpipes. The one you have now is the better sig pic, but if you want I can give it a go. Wait a minute ... ewwwwwww.
  5. Hey ! You're pics don't look like total shit ? CONGRATS !!!
  6. sol740

    WTB EVO.

    Nice. Now we need to do some photo-ops together.
  7. sol740

    Our new pet

    They have a ... powerful musk.
  8. Great movie. The Butcher is the man.
  9. I can't make it to eat, are you guys going to take some pics, cause I may be able to make it around 5.
  10. Gotta paint a room, cut grass, do some home maintenance, two oil changes, then after or inbetween, I may do be down for some day pics.
  11. That was incredibly enjoyable, please be sure to post more often.
  12. You wouldn't want to go anyway, there's no beaches to get your car stuck in.
  13. I gave a good lol, though the word is "douche-CANOE". I also prefer the 2nd.
  14. but ... I can't quit you !!! Srsly, good luck in your travels.
  15. sol740


    Would you guys believe they made comics about this guy before ? Crazy.
  16. My mom said I was cool.
  17. You should elaborate.
  18. I agree, you do suck quite a bit.
  19. sol740

    WTB EVO.

    What ? We need pics.
  20. I couldn't agree more, my god you're smart. Standard Michael Bay schlock. Its like paying someone money to let you watch TV commercials, but instead of being in the comfort of your own home, you get to drive somewhere else to do it, and stuff blows up inbetween the Xbox-former that is totally in my face with the latest games, and the Pepsi-former that not only shoots a small soda sized gun, but also quenches my thirst for sugary, sweetened caffeine and caramel coloring all in one delicious, and playfully violent sitting. I can only hope the sequel can out do the original's premise of "Big Robots fighting in front of popular commercial products YOU SIMPLY MUST PURCHASE, while telling a small indifferent story", by simply doing away with the "small indifferent story", and just focusing on what matters. OMG did you SEE THAT brand new 2009 CHEVY CAMARO WALLOP THAT MUSTANG LOOK-A-LIKE ??? OH YEAH !!! No, no, no ... not in a "how to run a company into the ground" contest. IN ROBOTS !!!
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