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Everything posted by sol740

  1. sol740


    Incredibly ...
  2. Thats awful. Poor kid.
  3. sol740


    Incredibly ...
  4. Not too shabby, welcome, and try to get some pics up.
  5. Don't worry, stupidity and ignorance are color blind. Once I met this guy that was orange and he kicked me in the balls, I was like "WTF !!!" Come to think of it, that was probably just a white guy with a fake tan.
  6. sol740

    Baby ducks

    My daughter would love a baby duck. I would not.
  7. I didn't have the slightest idea that you were blind in one eye, or I probably would've made up some other story. One not so horribly insensitive.
  8. Custom built not by me. Socket 939 AMD, 1GB RAM, CD burner, DVD drive, plus ATI x800pro GPU. Fresh XP install. Must have fallen off a truck or something. Don't ask me any questions about where it came from or why I need the money so bad. Just give me $300.00 bucks and its yours. Will also consider trades for crack-cocaine. Not for me of course ... for some homeless guy you don't want to know. Seriously you don't want to know him, he robs the other homeless guys that beg for money on the streets. Hes a tough cookie. Best to not look him in his one working, non-glass eye. He lost the other eye to a circus-trained seal. Don't ask him about that either, hes sensitive about it. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/2.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/1.jpg
  9. sol740


    Im gonna light it on fire.
  10. Evo. Hot naked chick sitting on it.
  11. sol740


    LOL ... I was like "WTF !?!?" Than I was like ... "Oh ok" Now I'm kind of hungry ... could use some food, a good wank, then sleep.
  12. Lee huh ? Hes a douche, I wouldn't hang out with that guy if I were you.
  13. Interested to see what they can squeeze out of the 4b11.
  14. I used a red-hot poking iron to burn out the part of my brain that stored the memory of T3 so I didn't recall that. Cost me a nasal passage and some IQ points, but it was worth it.
  15. Errrr ... what I meant to say was "tits and ass, ass and titties YEEEEEEEEAH !"
  16. I'd be annoyed if nanotech even gets brought into the terminator universe, cause at that point the war would be over before it gets fought. You can't fight microscopic robots that can replicate themselves over and over ad inifitium.
  17. He couldve been killed during some mission or "whatever" and skynet replaces him with a terminator to infiltrate the resistance at the highest level. I just made that up.
  18. Finally someone can give me a precise measurement. Thanks Doc !
  20. I looked this up in an encyclopedia, and you are correct ... new tires do in fact = sexy time. Looking good mang.
  21. "Liberal Cock Sucker", "Right Wing Extremist", you guys are flipping coins. As usual Scott I agree, and disagree with you. On one hand I agree the constitution should be upheld. However its not that most people don't believe that, its that there are differing opinions pertaining to the interpretation of said materials, and whether or not something written so long ago can be relative to modern society, and that is a question worth asking. Questions do need to be asked, and the asking of said questions doesn't necessarily make someone a "Liberal Cocksucker", no more than liking guns makes someone a right-wing extremist. As far as the owning of firearms (which seems to be the constant epicenter of discussion) it is such a complex web of shit, its difficult to gauge whether or not the owning of firearms by private citizens that have such a healthy pension for violence, as we do, is a good idea. Of course you know where I stand, I want to own guns to protect myself from criminals, and from a tyrannical government, I think we agree there. However there is no argument that we are far and away the most violent, modernized (dare I say civil), society when compared to similar countries with a similar set of ethics, and base moral standards (term used loosely of course). Now of course I'm always up for a little political upheaval, but I would question whether or not the comfort level of most living in the United States is high enough, that a REVOLUTION would be unlikely to garner any real numbers outside of a militant minority. I'd like to be part of your Tea-Parties but there are too many of you right-wing whackos waltzing around for me to be interested. I'm kidding of course. Lets be serious here, we never were "United" per se, opposing political parties and ideologies have existed since the forming of the first colony, and will continue to exist amongst our most important right, that to be free. My only issue with this is the adding of the words "Under God", which was not originally in the Pledge, but added in 1954. Ironically followed by the original word "indivisible".
  22. Space is fake. The Scientologists made the whole thing up, just to make you forget about the bible.
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