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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Lamb of God get my seal of approval. Children of Bodem seem to make the rounds pretty often recently, God forbid too, a little Hatebreed, a little Pantera, a little Cradle. Some Epica. Soundtrack to a Beating. I suppose I'm all over the place.
  2. sol740

    Would you?

    First don't smoke where normal people like to breathe. Second, if shes a stickler about that rule, she should be about all rules. I say rat her out.
  3. I never do that, if a thief wants in they'll just fuck up your shit to get in. Making the items inside less desirable (or noticeable), is what I've done and its worked so far.
  4. You can't just kick some kids ass on word of mouth, you're going to get shot doing some shit like that.
  5. sol740

    im here

    Intro was good, pics were included ... cars look clean and un-riced. Something just isn't right ... oh, its the name. Well based off your mod list I can tell you with little doubt that you're not. Though I'll also withhold the rep to see how well you handle a little fire. Pending that you'll get +rep from me.
  6. sol740

    new ls1

    ls1isaboutto=failforthefirsttimeinalongtime ...
  7. Welcome, nice intro and clean cars.
  8. Nor am I, but his looks pretty tasteful, so I can't hate. Doesn't look bad at all.
  9. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/jazzed.jpg
  10. Nice intro, and nice collection. Welcome.
  11. Car looks nice (- mirrors), and clean. Nice intro to boot. Welcome.
  12. I think I just ... yup ... I ejaculated.
  13. That fucking sucks donkey balls man.
  14. That sucks, Paul and I just assumed you were stopping for gas or something.
  15. Does parking under a "no parking" sign count ?
  16. Even with the pod, my pics turned out shit tons of noise, yours turned out way better, nice job. I can't wait to get a DSLR, which is sad because the only reason I want one is to be able to take decent car pics.
  17. Ill be out there but not till about 850-9.
  18. Ill try to make it out there, still finishing up here.
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