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Everything posted by sol740

  1. You couldn't have tried to come up with a more inappropriately, appropriate name.
  2. Oh I walked him alright, walked him in 5th gear too, cause I wanted to do 55mph and he wanted to do 50mph. Again ... EPIC. I knew I could count on you.
  3. Well that didn't take long. For whats it worth though, I think the Viper is sick. IMHO the better "cruise-mobile" if that's what you're going for.
  4. Richard Petty experience eh ??? So what do they do, take you to a trailer park, give you a flamboyantly colored, sleeveless t-shirt, get you hammered on Papps, and let you pass out in front of the neighbors double-wide ? RIMSHOT !!!
  5. Semi-autos are EVIL !!! They give me a semi ... which is just a tease.
  6. Like I said I gave two honks ... then I floored it straight into broad st rush hour traffic ... it was epic.
  7. God damn you ... how did I know you'd be the first to chime in. Though I love blue Evo's too cause they make baby football jesus do the "touchdown dance". This Evo was silver though.
  8. Plates said "Jims EVO", just wondering if it was anybody on here. Looked like a stock 9 as far as I could tell, not very loud, looked like a stock exhaust, stock intercooler, only thing that I saw aftermarket was the CF hood. Anyways I gave the standard "two-honks and a wave" and went along my way.
  9. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/Funny/ricroll.gif
  10. Sorry to hear that man, you hate to see your kids in pain. I hope all goes well.
  11. They pushed the "Sport" button ...
  12. Bomb Somalia ... everyone hates those fuckers anyway.
  13. I need to call these guys to help me with my nitro-meth setup. They seem knowledgeable and efficient.
  14. Good luck with the repairs and whatever you decide to do.
  15. One would think so ... what do those put down stock ? Like 230 ?
  16. Seriously talk to your neighbors about what they have and what issues they have with WHOMEVER ... go browse broadbandreports.com by your zipcode/city and avoid the headaches that may or may not plague your area. All networks have weakpoints, overloads, and whatnot. The trick is to try and avoid those by educating yourself. Don't necessarily jump at prices.
  17. With Uverse. Happy as a clam. Pros:Great DVR (4 shows at a time), two HD streams, internet very fast (up to 18Mbps), and great price. Cons: New service = hiccups here and there on the network, not effecting me, but I've read some sync-up horror stories so your best bet is to check with neighbors in your area that have it before biting. HD compression is slightly worse, this should change though as network is moved to VDSL 2.0 allowing higher bandwidth per user.
  18. I hear ya, I purposefully keep nothing in my car worth stealing, so I wouldn't mind anyone going through it if they were so inclined. At night garage is FTW.
  19. I'd rather lose some change to a punk kid, than have my door/windows raped by an actual thief determined to get in.
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