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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Supply and demand, they will charge whatever folks will regularly pay. If the gun-enthusiasts would stop spree-buying ammo for a month or two, we'd see prices come down.
  2. Acknowledgment of rights (essential freedoms) is what separates us from "them". Notice I'm not demanding any leniency for the guilty, but let due process work. How can any of us fight for our 2nd amendment rights so fervently, and be so quick to dismiss other rights wholesale. Giving up rights, is akin to losing freedom, which if I am to believe Fox News, freedom is why everyone hates us.
  3. Tom Cruise, freaking uncanny.
  4. Stated like a professional cover-up artist for the illuminati. Amazing the eye sees so far as to infiltrate even our small community in Columbus, Ohio.
  5. I think it's painfully obvious that there's more than meets the eye here. More than what the lame-steam media is telling us. If you look closely at the pic (which can never be altered) of the elder brother from the above and behind street camera view, you can clearly make out a black line where his neck meets his body. That black line can only be the point where the hinged neck/head connects to the body/chassis. Without question we know that design to be suitable to smaller, Smurf-like extra-terrestrials, as they prefer to view the worlds they visit from the same height as it's dominant native species. I mean, I don't want to speculate here, as to their intentions, but look what they've done with just two pressure cookers and cross-eye grade explosives. Open your eyes, sheeple.
  6. sol740

    PMAGS $12.95

    ... aaaaaaaaaand they're gone.
  7. I totally understand that. The sheep are metaphors for gazelle, which are a common prey animal. The wolves are like lions, and the hybrid wolf-sheep is man. The story of the attack is an allegory for apartheid. The dog is the great Sahara desert which both protects our animals, and kills them. It really opened my eyes.
  8. sol740

    PMAGS $12.95

  9. Cool find of the day.
  10. ARs serve no purpose as "hunting, sporting, or defensive" weapons. They are only good for waging war and killing innocents, Obama said so right on the TV. That's the only purpose they could possibly serve because scary black rifle is scary.
  11. I probably wouldn't bring it up to them. That driveshaft must've been ripped clean off the car, thrown several hundred yards away, picked up by a homeless person, and sold for scrap before we even realized it was gone.
  12. I offer my condolences, very sad to hear, even more so knowing he had little ones.
  13. Being a citizen of The United States does not grant one rights, being a human being you have inalienable rights, per our constitution the government is suppose to recognize those rights. The question is, should we allow him to come and defend his son(s), as one would expect a father to.
  14. Well I was expecting to be thoroughly off-put by a vehicle with such a pointless, and gaudy accessory (hot tub), but the rows of skewed rectangles really brought me around. Where can I give this person all of my money.
  15. Wow, didn't expect to get him alive.
  16. Kirk, I agree with what you're saying, and I understand the general public not understanding what may or may not be legal, especially in regards to firearms. I am not ok with the police not knowing, though I'm fine with them responding to a call, and cautiously checking out the situation (unfortunately we don't know what happened at the start). There is a common misconception that the AR holds no value as a sporting/hunting rifle and that is patently false on both accounts, and such drivel generally spews forth from the gaping maws of people who have absolutely no idea what they're talking about. The AR generally fires one of the more common varmint rounds the .223. Of course, public perception is what it is, and even being very much a fan of the AR platform, I would check twice if I saw one slung over someone just walking around.
  17. I'm familiar with freakonomics, and even they admit they can't prove cause, but sure, it's interesting. I think the argument many gun-owners make is that without firearms, you cannot defend your freedom. If you prefer to live in a land where gun ownership isn't an imperative, congrats you live here, no one is forcing you to own guns. Nor should anyone force me to not own guns. Everybody just needs to leave everybody elses' wallets, guns, and sex partners alone.
  18. Made conflict deadlier? Violent crime has fallen consistently over the last 25 years. How have gun sales been over the same period?
  19. I forgot to mention that before, during, and after my test drive, to the manager and salesmen I referred to the vehicle as the "Velostiraptor" and was not once corrected.
  20. There is no problem that tightened background checks solve. Nothing in this legislation would have prevented Sandy Hook. How about we all get to be adults and run our own lives? Punish those who do ill against their fellow man (unless you qualify for a Beastie Boy waiver, which sadly only 2 people left do), and generally leave people to be relatively free. Do you hate guns? Then don't buy one. I hate the Japanese as previously stated, and I no longer own any. (DISCLAIMER NOTICE) Sol740 often jokes about other Asian races because even he admits that they are virtually indistinguishable. Sol740 does not actually hate any Japanese people, is quite fond of Japanese culture (not including the tentacle rape porn, or possibly very much including it), and has never dealt in, or supported human traffic of any kind.
  21. No no no, all decent human beings love taking polls. Especially about the guns they may or may not own. I saw a poll about it. Ken, there are already background checks at gunshows, what we really should be discussing is background checks for private sales. Is there a vehicle for quick, easy background checks for the private citizen, ready to go? Do I have to pay? How much? Does an FFL have to run it? Is he going to charge me? There is more to it than meets the eye. Like Transformers.
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