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Everything posted by sol740

  1. I fucking hate other people sometimes. You should definitely not set her house on fire though, that's illegal.
  2. The question I'm curious of, is how many of our military men and women would fight against their own people? 50/50? 75/25? There are something like 80 million gun owners in the US, even if just a small fraction of that number were willing to fight, that's still a whole lot of people. Related to OP, I'm a fan of Whittle most of the time.
  3. Probability aside, it would suck ass to switch, knowing the math, and lose.
  4. sol740

    RIP Poco

    Sorry to hear that man, that always sucks.
  5. You could try Chicks Camera Exchange on Long St, they deal specifically in vintage camera equipment. If they can't do it, I'm sure they know who could.
  6. He's going to burn down and pillage the whole fucking internet.
  7. That's the purple sticky icky I believe.
  8. I'm more interested in helping family/friends/community, and propagating firearm safety in general. The more decent people that have their CHL, and basic safety knowledge, the better. I don't care about the profitability of it. I certainly don't plan on"competing" in that market per se.
  9. I'm a fan of everything you mentioned, so I'm with Austin, find a range that has what you're considering for rent, and get a feel for the one you want.
  10. Cool, I'd personally rather knock it out, so that may not work. Plus trying to coordinate a single weekend is tough enough.
  11. My brother is a pastor, and he's going to see if we would be able to use a sunday school room for the coursework. It would obviously have to not be on a Sunday.
  12. I fear Palahniuk has also tapped the well. Though he's fiction. However, Haunted was at the least, discomfort-inducing.
  13. I'm interested. Please let me know the details. I'm trying to make sure those dates are clear. EDIT: dates look clear for most April weekends for me. Count me in if there's space.
  14. Same here, my M&P is still my preferred carry pistol. This is for jacket/pocket carry as needed, since the wife generally carries the LCP now. Just going to shoot enough to stay familiar with it at defensive ranges, and not so much for fun/plinking. I imagine .357 with this small frame will feel a bit jumpy, I'm hoping the steel eats some of it.
  15. Sure thing, is this like a break-in? Few hundred rounds?
  16. It's Dangerous To Be Right When The Government Is Wrong: by Andrew Napolitano The Christian Delusion: Why Faith Fails: Multiple Authors
  17. I will almost certainly carry a speedloader, or two.
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