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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Hmmm, I'm re-thinking this whole separate bathroom thing. If Chinese folks get their own bathrooms, living in a city with a low Chinese population, would basically mean I get private bathrooms almost everywhere. Unless they use the old "all Asians look alike" argument, then I'd have to share my bathroom with some disgusting Japanese people, and that would totally ruin it.
  2. I'm sure we could find polls in the 50's where a majority of "AMERICA" supported separate bathrooms for blacks. Sometimes, the majority is wrong.
  3. I'm sure he wouldn't be happy about it, but why are his friends' actions his responsibility again?
  4. Lesson: if you're going to carry an AR, have the video recorder ready to go from the get.
  5. Because everyone in their right mind understands that this legislation would do absolutely nothing in regards to preventing a mass shooting. Because NY has proven to everyone who has ever used the "slippery slope", "give an inch, they take a mile" arguments that they weren't just political obstructionists, and that whatever garbage they try to pass really is just an eventual gateway to even more restrictive laws. If 10 round magazine limits were safe, why bother pushing for 7 round limits? The next logical step is no guns with detachable magazines, and I bet you see such stupidity within the next ten years. Among others.
  6. I test drove the Turbo, and as a driver, it was laggy, overall made you feel disconnected. The steering and throttle felt wholly electronic, and made no effort to disguise it. That said I think it would make for a great DD, decent room for its' class, practical, good mileage, available in manual, or paddle-shift auto, Bluetooth and touchscreen standard. Ugly in a likable, bulldog sort of ugly. Wheels are just plain regular ugly though.
  7. Gentlemen, I give you Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. 15 bucks and does not require Far Cry 3.
  8. I'm calling a buddy, he just told me he was wanting a bolt-action.
  9. sol740

    Taken: The Game

    The words, I don't have them.
  10. sol740

    Walking Dead

    Carl is mannin up. Glad to see the lack of a cliffhanger too, that shit is tired.
  11. Why does anybody care why someone will or will not patronize a (insert place) because of whatever reason? If the answer is "the (insert product/service) is so good, it is worth setting aside your ideological differences for", I could at least entertain that, but all I am reading is presumptuous, character-profiling. I carry a firearm almost everywhere I go that won't get me arrested or fired. Of course I respect the rights of business owners, private property and what have you, if you do not wish to have non law-enforcement armed, I will decide which I prefer, carrying or whatever you're offering. I will almost always prefer to be armed, and that's my worldview, and right. As to the entirely hypothetical, wholly subjective, and therefore pointless, exercise in "how one would react" in a high-stress defensive situation, there are so many variables, a sweeping generalization is sorely inadequate on both sides. One must accept that there are more possible outcomes than "scaredy person does nothing and helps no one" and "hero person saves everyone and therefore proves everyone should carry" (of course both of those scenarios are assigning a responsibility to the carrier that 1. he doesn't have, and 2. he shouldn't walk around thinking he has).
  12. Biden knows best guys, double barrels and warning shots to every passerby.
  13. Welcome, and cool car.
  14. Carrying a firearm should facilitate one actively avoiding confrontation. Not a smart move.
  15. ^ very nice purchase. I had the 40C will own another HK in 9mm at some point.
  16. sol740

    New Toy

    Nice! I thought the full-size 454 was pretty harsh on the hand, I can't imagine the feel through such a small frame. Do the gloves make a big difference?
  17. Yes sir, thanks and good looking out.
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