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Everything posted by sol740

  1. I read about this. So damn sad. To have been through what he has been through, then be killed in such a way, is just awful. RIP
  2. Sick, would like to see live.
  3. sol740

    Fuck taxes

    You setup the rules so "losing" lays at the feet of each person, as much as possible. There is nothing more fair. Like I said before I'm not against safety nets for those who truly need it. Fix the out of control spending, first and foremost. Cuts are necessary, and the same economists who say cuts hurt, are the same Keynesian economists that have thrown this country's value, and economy in the shitter. The same economists that decided the Fed backing houses for everyone regardless of credit was a great idea. The same economists that think the Fed backing everyones college loans is a great idea. These men are charlatans, and thieves, and they will always tell you shrinking the government, and cutting federal spending will be "catastrophic to society" because their coffers empty when the government gets less of your cash. No one should be taxed more than 17% effective, or get rid of the income tax altogether, and move to the Fairtax consumption tax.
  4. sol740

    Fuck taxes

    I know we'd disagree, but if we ever get out to a meet or C&C, I'd like to pick your brain, and exchange actual views outside of the forum construct. I would argue not voicing your displeasure about unfair taxes, and failing to act makes one naive about the good nature of the body attached to the hand in your pocket.
  5. sol740

    Fuck taxes

    We shouldn't need tax credit handouts for "number of children", or interest on our homes, because we should already be keeping more of our own money, in the first place.
  6. sol740

    Fuck taxes

    You know what's fair? Taxing every single person at the same rate. You know what's not fair, the bullshit we have. Yet progressives always bitch about other people not paying their "fair share". As if the same percentage of more income is somehow less. Progressives love to tell people how greedy they're being while spending other people's money. The government is huge, and wasteful. Please folks, stop pretending like we wouldn't have streets, or clean water if we correct obvious, heinous, errors in our taxes, and spending. Drug War and prohibition. End it. DEA gone. Hundreds of thousands of court cases, gone. Millions of jailed and will-be jailed, non-violent drug offenders not burdening the tax-payer. Less prisons needed, and all of the overhead associated. There's a trillion dollars. Major reform of welfare, and all entitlements. Safety nets for those who absolutely need them, otherwise severely limited length of benefit. No more generations of welfare abusers. Close most if not all foreign military bases, bring troops home, and spend on actual defense. Troops can guard the borders, fucking Canadians. Hold politicians that vote themselves raises, and lifetime security detail accountable for not passing a fucking budget in years.
  7. sol740

    Mmmmmmm S&W

    Also, gives us somewhere to cruise to. Unless someone has kickass property and doesn't mind a bunch of strangers. :fuuuu: I said cruise then shoot, not and shoot. Though now I'm rethinking that. Cruise ... and shoot eh?
  8. sol740

    Mmmmmmm S&W

    :megusta: Has CR ever had a cruise then shoot day? Because do want.
  9. sol740

    Mmmmmmm S&W

    Very nice. Congrats. Again.
  10. This reminds me, I need to start playing Far Cry 3 again. Great game. Just been busy with Xcom.
  11. As pure carry pistols, it's hard to complain about either of the LC guns. I love my LCP when I need to pocket carry. I don't particularly enjoy shooting it, but for CCW purposes, comfort>enjoyment. Buy another handgun for range time. If you want range time, and carry, I'd go G26/19, or SR9C, or MP9C/Shield.
  12. That was really good. Day Z standalone should be coming out pretty soon. I hope.
  13. LOL, surprised this didn't happen sooner. Congrats!
  14. Can I haz upper nao plz?
  15. ... but here's a nice lesson. Hmm, I'm putting the "NyYYgLzF6zU" in the brackets. Not sure why it's not showing. Link http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=NyYYgLzF6zU Cliffs: legal immigrant speaks at gun violence meeting, knows his shit.
  16. So you guys are saying I need to get rid of my colored interior lights? Seriously, fuck you guys, I just got dat hue dialed in.
  17. Agreed, and I'm certainly keeping a running tab of who's gouging and who's not.
  18. Congrats on the deal. I definitely see one in my future.
  19. Congrats on the pickup man, I love my shrubby, eats everything I've thrown at it, and haven't had any issues with it. Great price given the current BS too.
  20. The Bill of What Society Wants You To Have. Has a nice progressive ring to it.
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