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Everything posted by sol740

  1. You ... attend ... pizza shops ?
  2. ^ I have to jump on the RB26 bandwagon.
  3. Any mom and pop pizza shop in NY > everywhere else
  4. Can't ... understand ... large-picto characters ... Where am I looking ... what's going on ?!!? Why must I furrow my brow, in a vain attempt to comprehend this situation. (sorry im done now)
  5. I pay a little more money elsewhere when at all possible. I was waiting to hear about you throwing the gel at the store and lighting it though ... lol
  6. ^ Oh yeah ? Well onetime, I was at trails getting teched, and the guy said "hey, that's not a mazda motor!" Than I said, "I don't drive a mazda." To which he replied "Well okay than". Than feeling insulted, I replied "you don't even know what a mazda sounds like !" He said "yes I do, it sounds like a bigblock chevy v-8." I said "Dammmmmmmn righhhhhhhhhht" as I dropped the clutch and shot a blinding 16.9 @ 87mph. Dammmmmmmn righhhhhhhhhht ...
  7. I got beat-in for nothing !?!?
  8. Ah ... I see ... i'll refrain from posting a vtec related macro. lol.
  9. ^ +1 My boy had one in highschool, it was a fun car.
  10. They are hivemind ... we must join them.
  11. LOL ... I was playing xbox a couple years back and felt a tingle on my forehead, but in the midst of an intense gaming session I refused to take my hand off the controller. Than I felt it move to top of my nose, still ignoring it. Next thing I see a rather large wolf spider right on the tip of my nose. I froze first, than dropped my controller and swatted at my face. Worse part, the little bastard went flying but managed to live, and I saw him scurry off. I kept "feeling" it crawling all over me the rest of the night.
  12. Welcome, some pics of the teg please. Sounds like a fun build. Out of curiosity, are you running conservative boost? Not trying be a dick, but with those mods I expected bigger numbers.
  13. sol740

    New Here

    -Rep for whining ...
  14. sol740

    New Here

    Welcome, clean Z ya got there.
  15. sol740 (crazy I know) ... hit me up on COD
  16. I love me an RX7, but Z06 is teh win.
  17. sol740

    whats up guys

    No officer, won't find any racing in these parts. Move along now, nothing to see here. EDIT: I don't really think you're a cop, but I do think your intro is pretty weak. Pics/Vids of car ? Mods ?
  18. From what I've heard (never been to that particular establishment), its not really a perk to be in that place.
  19. Good intro and welcome, try to get some pics on here if ya can.
  20. 7 second "TC" ... yikes ...
  21. *SIGH* ... I can't stand this kind of college level pontification. It's usually a little pretentious, and or didactic. Though if you're riddling, which at this point I'm not sure if you are ... Is it because we cannot declare war on an emotion ? Or because when you retaliate, you are in fact "terrorizing" someone else ? Or am I in a completely different ballpark ? Are you talking specifically about post 911 "terrorism", or the more old school, home-grown, militia-extremist style terrorism, or both in the sense that they are mostly decentralized, and capable of operating without a specific "leader" ? Is there is an actual answer ? Because my wife is a college professor that teaches a Terrorism class. So maybe I should ask her. EDIT: We stray OT.
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