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Everything posted by sol740

  1. sol740

    Diablo 3

    Turns on Team America theme music ... DE-OB-EL-LO FUCK YEAH !!!!
  2. sol740


    Now is the best time to race phil. Hell, Im going to find where its parked, and drive by 60 or 70 times nailing the throttle. Laughing with sardonic glee.
  3. *With so much drama in the w-v, its kind of hard being EM1-2-ENVY* Glad you weren't shot. Hopefully you learn from your mistake and avoid situations like these in the future. I will be getting my CCW soon, if I see 3 people coming at me aggressively I'm shooting. He didn't, so feel lucky. It just comes down to this ... is whatever beef your boy had with this guy, worth you getting killed over? I seriously doubt it. Protecting your friends and loved ones is admirable, but like so many said before, without the details, we can't make an educated opinion.
  4. If we didn't have the buckeyes I would have moved years ago. You know those necklaces they make out of buckeyes and string ? Those are like titanium hand-cuffs for me.
  5. sol740


    I just realized that his shirt says "NAS" with the H cut off. Thats fucking great.
  6. sol740


    So drop a k20 in, with a turbo and a buildup, put down 300+ HP and shut us up. Though I have one question ... http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/Funny/VTEC2.jpg
  7. sol740


    ^ sounds like a 20 roll is in the works ...
  8. Can you make sweet, sweet love to one and put it away wet ? Cause if you can ... than I'll know my place in this world.
  9. sol740


    Like an LT1 ... With a big fucking hole in it.
  10. I was actually talking about phils post. You just got in right before me.
  11. ^ agreed ... make it fabulous.
  12. sol740


    Were you assuming my boss is a man ... cause that's a little funny ... Cause he totally is !
  13. sol740


    I tried to 'hand-make' friends with my boss for a promotion. It went over poorly. Apparently I need moisturizing.
  14. Nah, I have a pic of your ride here somewhere ... Ahhhh ... here we are ... yak-IR-GONE4-teh-OUTEE
  15. sol740


    Pics ? Mods ? Plans ? Cop ? Civic ? I kid I kid.
  16. Officially the greatest thing I've ever heard.
  17. Welcome. Built motor and a 50 trim eh ? Nice. Pics of car are nessesary though.
  18. ^ teh rice is strong with this one.
  19. Welcome to CR. Don the flame suit and all is well. Heres a pic of my car. AHHH4g63istehwin
  20. He almost writes a thought out opinion piece, and than goes and ends it with a an half witted insult. Way to prove em right. Ofcourse opinion pieces are always good for that. "HEY CLETUS ... HE'S A HORSES ASS !!! HYUCK HYUCK"
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