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Everything posted by sol740

  1. sol740


    S1's, going for a conservative set. With my schedule recently Im not sure when Ill be getting out. Not going to the shootout either
  2. Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich!
  3. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/Funny/shark2.jpg Whos a post whore ? Im in blacklick too by the way, right off waggoner.
  4. sol740


    Looks familiar .... WELCOME. Damn your going red, let me know when that shit is on. If I could get a ride sometime at a meet or something, it'd be awesome, Im not sure which turbo Im going to upgrade to after I get my cams in.
  5. Well she is delicious ... this we know.
  6. I almost choked on my beer laughing. Its funny because its true.
  7. That shit ain't funny. Getting dosed sucks. Don't ask me how I know. Cause I don't.
  8. Def not work safe by my office standards. By my standards its fantastic.
  9. Welcome, good luck with the setup. Tibs all over the oven.
  10. ^ yes indeed ... he forgot about good old fashioned LSx metros. What were you thinkng nub.
  11. To each their own. Maybe he'll change, maybe he won't. It really shouldn't effect you either way, I may be reading, and interpreting your reply incorrectly, but I detected a small amount of elitism. That's fine as most people tend to believe that the way they live, is the "right" way. Or I suppose if you simply deduce it to mathematics the more partners you have, obviously the higher your chance of contracting an STD. Which if that's purely your point ignore everything else I said. Regardless of my own opinion on interpersonal dynamics and their effects on the well-being of archetypal, generic, subjects , having a trusted friend, and partner, betray you sucks. Adding children to the mix complicates the matter further. Which begs to question the current state of family mechanics and whether or not the standard model is correct, or if some other seemingly "crazy" culture has a more efficasious approach. I shouldn't open this can of worms. Ignore all of ^ ... TITS ARE GOOD.
  12. ^ I still agree, I was just stating the response was understandable. Im not sure how I would act since my wife hasn't fucked anyone else that Im aware of. Accept for that football team, and that other football team.
  13. I agree with most of what you said, except that. The guy fucked his wife. Wanting to fuck up his life a little is an understandable response. Even if it doesn't improve your situation per se.
  14. Congratz ... on ... your ... accident ? Though welcome, again, and nice ride.
  15. old interwebz is old. So is meme. Im so meta-deprecating ...
  16. Thats a little better. If you can, try to post a pic or two of your car. Welcome to CR, don the flame suit and take it in stride, and all is well. If you get approval that is ... otherwise all is not well. I suppose it would be the opposite. So theres always that ! A high 15 though ?
  17. So far your rating is still neutral somehow. Wow ... a mulligan at CR ... never thought Id see the day. *EDIT* well that didn't last.
  18. Ill beat him to it. FUCK YOU NUB. Now leave... Oh ... and welcome.
  19. It would have saved us from hearing him bitch and whine.
  20. I agree, better to just buy an evo than go through all that hassle. Besides it wouldn't have the sleeper appeal.
  21. ppcgeeks.com is a great source as well as xda-developers. I believe thats the same phone I have with sprint. The HTC 6800 or mogul. If so there is a ton of great hacks, and programs, full roms and all kinds of shit. Too much to list.
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