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Everything posted by sol740

  1. ^ wouldn't her mouth be busy ? ZING ! Ok i'm done.
  2. Hey lets not forget the 4g63 driving, smartasses. Rice is in the house. Welcome to CR, post pics to suck less.
  3. Now go wrap a doily on your head and scream 'alalalalalalalala' Oh and zr1 = hottness.
  4. This definitely sucks. RIP.
  5. God help me I want a camaro. Though, I will probably buy a hybrid/electric next car too, and keep modding the EVO.
  6. Will there be furries ?
  7. sol740


    You picked up on that rather quick. Jealous ?
  8. Those are some ricy aspirations you got there. My kind of guy ! Lets install some blue led's where your wiper fluid comes out.
  9. sol740


    More details, mods ? ^ plus everything phil said. Nice ride though.
  10. The only passengers I can make out are two females, one with a small child. I would hardly expect them to step in. Of course most males would probably sit scared too, so thats that.
  11. LOL, Im gonna try to make it out than. I'll even jam some shim under my wing to raise it even higher.
  12. Are ricers with giant wings welcome ?
  13. Popeyes FTMFW ! Though KFC has the bowls.
  14. ^ thats the wallpaper print I have in my bathroom !
  15. sol740

    Car Wash ; )

    Where's my pedobear shop.
  16. You can refuse the test for sure, but you will lose your license. Better than a DUI though..
  17. Can I post a pic of me doing spirit fingers Brian ?
  18. Hey I just discovered "googling" in the shower. I could "google" myself all day.
  19. Unnamed expert eh ? Certainly very fucked up if any actual evidence surfaces. Anyone have a jump to conclusions mat ?
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