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Everything posted by sol740

  1. sol740

    New Puppy ...

    ^ that's one of the reasons I love em. They're such giant goofballs. Literally giant though. Oh, id feel guilty saying how much I got him for. I do some business with a very reputable breeder and got a steal.
  2. Welcome. Its cool to have a dad like that. Hopefully Im that guy when my kids get older. Now stop capitalising every word.
  3. Fuck moron, drunk drivers. I think just about everyone on this board knows someone who was directly affected by some idiots irresponsible actions. Let it be known I've driven multiple times after having a drink or three and I would've passed a field test, or breathilyzer without issue. I've also gotten hammered and decided to not drive. Thats the difference. I have zero sympathy for repeat offenders who continually jeopardize others lives with their idiocy. Stick em, jail em,fuck em. I sway towards liberal by the way Anthony ... oh, and as far as castrating child molesters I'm all for it. Though studies have shown that for that particular type of offender the "powertrip" is often more important to the offender than the sexual release itself. Some offenders will find "other" ways to acheive a similar effect. So the death penalty sounds just fine to me ...
  4. Which I didn't say. I merely suggested compromise is appropriate at an impasse. Using the term 'absolute' only furthers my point. 'Absolute' is relative to position. We digress though, as this has nothing to do with Glenn Beck. Glen Beck: sometimes we agree, sometimes we don't. OSU: pm me.
  5. sol740


    x2 on the weed thing. Alocohol though, that's a different animals. Good luck with the treatment, I just hope you realize that you have to want to change. Doing it to make other people happy is usually temporary.
  6. Suggesting your idea of right and wrong is the only correct one. Further perpetuating the same problems. Ending up in the same place.
  7. ^ thinking everyone else is crazy is why compromise fails.
  8. Glenn Beck and I have some common beliefs where we almost completely, if not 100%, agree. Than on other issues we're like black and white. For instance his recent tirade against Grand Theft Auto 4. Talk about out of touch. Which was particularly upsetting, because on other stances where I didn't see eye to eye with him, he at least provided thought provoking arguments. Interesting article.
  9. Sexy blue is the factory color name ... otherwise known as BLACK ... :asshole:
  10. Meh, shotguns are the best home defense weapons imho, but law abiding, decent citizens deserve to be able to own handguns. The only restrictions to gun ownership should be to convicted, violent criminals. Though they'll get them illegally anyway.
  11. sol740

    New enzo?

    Zr1 is the hawt, but qft.
  12. I humped a female sasquatch ... jesus its not like Im gay or something weird like that. More like a living, screaming, furry. Ok, Im done now. Mustang spotted, mustang found. This is just like a Sherlock Holmes story, or an episode of House. Just instead of thought provoking discourse, and red herrings a plenty, we totally found what we were looking for almost right away.
  13. sol740

    Fuck this guy.

    I wasn't crazy about the sixth sense. I didn't hate it either.
  14. sol740

    Fuck this guy.

    Fuck him in the ear. Though unbreakable is teh shit.
  15. I still have my money on *suck*. Though I'll cross my fingers.
  16. ^ phew ... the tension of the great tomato caper was killing me ...
  17. Stop giving me false hope ...
  18. One time I was having sex with a small woodland animal, and he was all comfy, than another small woodland animal ran up to me and scared the first one. I said 'hey god damn it ... I was sexing there !' He just looked up at me with a sardonic smile, and ran wistfully back into his forest shelter. To this day I have yet to see either again.
  19. Theres so many possible reasons that could be happening. Memory leak, process conflicts, spyware, virus, unidentified program bug, I could go on and on. Try what others suggesting and change your browser until you can isolate the issue. Try running some security programs and look for browser hijackers. Or you could save your important info to another drive, or dvd and reinstall the OS if nothing seems to work. Or use linux.
  20. sol740

    New Puppy ...

    lol. Funny thing is the dog will probably be taller, tail to nose than me, and will probably weigh more. Me = 6ft and 190lbs Dog = probably fucking ginormous. Breakin the law !!! Definitely.
  21. You're like a mini Jesus. Good show !
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