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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Bandwidth metering ftl. With web 2.0 on the rise, and 3.0 and so on, transfer rates are on the rise. That's not even counting the advertisements that make up a large chunk of bandwidth for end-users. Now I get to pay to have adverts schlepped on me. Thank god im not with tm, or cox. Look at it like this, if you DL one HD movie off of xbox live, netflix, or whatever, that's 3-6 gigs right there. Hopefully consumers are smart enough to vote with their $. Sad for people with no choice. Every cable customer should call their provider, or write a hateful letter, I would.
  2. Welcome, nice cars indeed.
  3. Yay ! Margaritas ! Still, interesting find, confirming what was speculated before.
  4. Meh, would've been funnier if there was a donkey punch.
  5. Make sweet, sweet love to the snake. Then release it, if it comes back to you, than you know its yours.
  6. ^ do want ... again ...
  7. Your Total Score is 85 % Thanks Neil Degrasse Tyson. I don't feel as bad as I should. *edit* Hey ... I can just copy the font ... Your Total Score is 100 % Ignore the 85, 100 % was what I meant.
  8. Do want. as a daily of course ...
  9. sol740


    Welcome, car pics ?
  10. Sounds nice ... pics now ?
  11. The problem is there are too many in her camp that were claiming an all out "jumpship" if she wasn't the nominee. This way it would woo those potential voters back and unify what has been a pretty divided party. Not a smart way to try and go into the fall.
  12. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/Funny/roffles.jpg
  13. This thread is interesting ...
  14. Its kind of funny, I totally agree with you ... but ...
  15. If I only thought he could win ...
  16. sol740

    STI's Suck!

    :grin2: I want a tune ...
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