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Everything posted by sol740

  1. To summarize this thread in its entirety, for those just joining. Puerto Ricans make poor housepets.
  2. ^ you're mis-interpreting what I wrote. Ignoring world-events doesn't shield us from their reprocussions. I am absolutely against being the "world police" in any way, shape, or form. "Hovering eye" doesn't mean military brute force. More like intelligence gathering. Though glassing the entire region is only good for us.
  3. LOL, ya with as much as you and I do the e-dance that was error most egregious. If we ever meet in person you have permission to whomp me upside the head. Fixed for continuity. BOT, fixing the mess is no easy job. Every course of action has negative outcomes for someone. Though the civil war brewing there will happen whether we leave sooner or later so I'm of the GTFO opinion. I've said it before and will probably say again, Iran is where our defensive eye should be hovering.
  4. ^ I spray and wash my wheels about 70% of the with a full clean every couple weeks.
  5. Oh ... and I'm a shark ! Suck my dick !
  6. Im an independent w liberal leanings, I believed him. I remember saying, he better be right, or were gonna look like fuckwads to the rest of the world. We do.
  7. My stockers are 20lbs, I wish I had the BBS stockers though. 17lbs, and id paint those too.
  8. This just in !!! Wait for it ... The sky is blue ... even though it really isn't. (fuck you astro-physicists) Cmon v8kilr, come to terms with it, we were lied to. Liberals, Conservatives, everyone.
  9. My wheels are stockers, I love em. I don't want an aftermarket wheel that weighs twice as much.
  10. I can't just like black ? To me, black is as non-descript a color as silver. I choose it because I like the way it accents certain cars. I like the anti-bling aesthetic. As far as the fad of "murdered out", it'll pass and give way to "whatever", and I'll still try to find an overall satisfying (to me) appearance for whatever vehicle I have.I've owned four cars respectively : 1.Red w silver wheels 2.Black on black 3.Red w silver 4.Black on black Maybe im just boring.
  11. It'll be a botnet in no time.
  12. I just made my deposit on a 4 week old english mastiff puppy. Can't wait to pick him up. Dogs are good. Hamburglars are bad.
  13. Republicans: THERE ARE WMDS OUT THERE !!!
  14. I would have kicked him square in the teeth, than used a tire iron on his face while he was down. Or possibly offered the man a cookie. Cookies are delicious, and 7 out of 8 dentists say they solve problems.
  15. +1 Reinstalling your OS periodically is the best thing you can do though. Install OS to its own partition, or better yet a second HD. Or just use linux.
  16. sol740


    God damn I hate theives.
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