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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Cut off your pubic hair and glue it to your dome.
  2. Probably not a bad idea, but it has been done without, and daily driven even. Its not even that hard to do. Thorne, I love both platforms, I just prefer the EVO. Theres a couple reasons, but to be honest, either car around 500hp would be a lot of fun.
  3. It never ceases to piss me off that they use the letters s-c-i-e-n in their quack religion. Science fiction yes, science ... no.
  4. X2. The douchebag fucking drunk driver always lives. Years ago my friends older brother and his best friend were killed by a drunk driver. Of course, the piece of shit lived. He had over 10 dui's.
  5. I spent fathers day building a swingset for my daughter. Yup, sounds about right ...
  6. We just disagree about semantics I suppose. I do see your point though.
  7. The man was good at what he did. RIP.
  8. MMMMMMMMM nuts ... as tasty as ... well ... nuts I supppose.
  9. Happy fathers day to your dad indeed. I tip my beer to him. I also tip my beer to myself, and my daughter, and son/daughter on the way. As well as the other pops on the board.
  10. Nissan Versa, Toyota Yaris, Honda Fit = Economy Vehicles. EVO is the opposite of economy. You're paying 2-3 times as much for performance, and crappy miles per gallon. You get a non-existent warranty (if you mod it). As well as expensive maintenance (ask about my front and rear brake pads). However it is affordable, if you have a decent income. The interior is low-rent and not a high point of the vehicle (minus the recaros and momo wheel). Plastics are cheap, and cabin is noisy, no cruise control blah blah blah. You don't buy an EVO for all that crap, you buy it because it can scream down a track, and hang with, or beat, vehicles that cost twice as much or more. You buy one because you know the car responds well to mods and are relatively cheap to start. Though no one is going to argue that a bimmer is more luxurious, and has more prestige. For 71k, you'd be better off buying a used EVO, doing some mods and tune, than taking the leftover and buying a bimmer
  11. They must put this model# into mass production.
  12. ^ Plenty questioned it. Bush just used timing to push his issue. I remember people speaking out against the war, and being accused of sypathising with the terrorists. Its pretty simple, use the "us vs them" tsctic to label anyone who disagrees as part of the problem. Remember how high the support poles for the war were.
  13. They aren't ??? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17786158 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18229765/ http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2007/11/06/451550.aspx
  14. Cars look clean. Welcome. Mods to civic?
  15. sol740


    Pics of the car usually help. Welcome and try not to burn too hot in here. +rep comes when I see the ride.
  16. ^ not that I nessesarily agree with all of SPLN's points, but WTF are you babbling about ?
  17. Those wheels are teh sex. Interesting, at the sight of those mustangs I've seemed to have ... stopped, collaborated, and began to listen.
  18. Was it an English Mastiff, if it looks like a bulldog it aint. Probably a bull mastiff, which is just that, an english mastiff crossed with a bulldog. Could be a Neo, or so-called "american mastiff" which were basically attempts to cut back the drool by selective breeding:). Though any dog can bite. No ones going to argue that an English Mastiff can't do damage. Look at the things, they're giants, but they're nick-named "gentle giants" for a reason. They really do prefer to sit and be lazy.
  19. I was kidding with you. Though it sounds like you got the right idea. Me, I want a gentle GIANT.
  20. ^ the time was different. We had "suceeded" in afghanistan. The country was still writhing from the blow of 911. Still, plenty in the media questioned it. Particularly going against the UN's wishes and allies. Nobody really denounced the claims because our president was telling us there was a massive threat to our country. I bought it, and I don't feel bad about it. When they switched gears to "this is about a free iraq" I knew I had been had. I just don't understand how Clinton lies about what he did with his dick, and its impeachment. Bush lies about a multi-hundred billion dollar, taxpayer war, and nothing.
  21. My mastiffs pop was 245, Im hoping mine gets that big. Though if you were hoping for "not big" I think you picked the wrong dog
  22. ^ +1 If the dog had killed the burglar, I doubt anyone wouldve confused a mastiff with a pit bull. Bull mastiff, maybe, just cause the face. As far as it being a record holder, that honor belongs to an oem named Zorba, whom I believe was 345lbs.
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