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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Under the pic it says "IMG code" click that and it auto-copies, than just paste.
  2. sol740

    STI's Suck!

    No you were right ... they suck. j/k DONT BAN ME GHOST !!!
  3. Good intro, just need pics and +rep for you. Traction ? EDIT: N/M ^ see post above
  4. Couldn't you use something else to hold it ? Like a grabber of some sort. Something where if you slip you don't lose a hand.
  5. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/Funny/Surprise.jpg
  6. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/PIS.jpg Correct.
  7. Nice, will try to make an appearance and rice the shit out of the whole deal.
  8. sol740


    Wasn't me. Wish it was, I was owned by work and weddings ... boo.
  9. sol740


    lol, half jewish ... *Voice of Ray Liotta* "Only the good half"
  10. sol740

    hello hello...

    Welcome, nice ride. +rep.
  11. I'm seriously considering taking grainy footage of my weiner protruding my zipper, than claiming I found an alien. Just to see how much NATIONAL MEDIA ATTENTION I can receive. Seriously this is fucking retarded. *DISCLAIMER* Unless this whole thing is real, in which case let me be the first to welcome our new celestial overlords!
  12. Don't worry, they are a persistent bunch.
  13. I only run 93 or 94. She likes the good stuff.
  14. There are several variants of the term "blind". Some blind individuals can be quite sensitive to changes in light. Or they may just want to look cool. Or wear their sunglasses at night.
  15. I was thinking, why wouldn't he just as for them ? Then my B-tec kicked in and I said "ohhhhhhh".
  16. LMAO, feel lucky your not in general population you little spoiled idiot.
  17. sol740

    CR golf outing

    Translation: I suck ass at golf therfore it is for people with no life. I would be down, but I need new clubs first. Im still using the set my pops gave me in highschool.
  18. Hey what's up man ! Wondered why I never saw you on here. +1 rep, and your car is ghey. See properly flamed.
  19. Sorry if this is a repost. But I lol'd, I lol'd good. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1817553
  20. sol740

    im back

    Work and rain owned me.
  21. You should have killed him on the spot. Teabagged him, and took what was left of the stale cigars.
  22. sol740

    im back

    I dont like you Phil.
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