Pompous, ambulance-chasing, douchebag that should have been disbarred a decade ago or more. Sadly fox news will probably continue to use this moron to fan the flames of ignorance further as a correspondent, or pundit of sorts. For the record, i'm all for keeping mature media out of kids hands, however trying to use bully-tactics and junk lawsuits to gag the creative devolopment of games is a stupid way to do it. Fines to retailers who sell games w/ m ratings to those under 17 is more appropriate. Yet what is even more appropriate is parents taking active roles in their kids media consumption, instead of expecting everyone else to do their jobs.
As far as his quoting the bible, he's another nutcase that uses christianity as a farce, to garner support from the older christian right that don't know any better. My older brother, a pastor, is an avid gamer, and while he also believes young children shouldn't play gta, he understands banning it altogether is ignorant. His views actually reflect mine (for once) that a parent should play the part of moral advisor and not media.