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Everything posted by sol740

  1. If you are indeed robbing someone and are shot during the robbery, fuck you if you die (this guy didn't), deprived of trial, no fucks given. If you survive your wound, than you have your rights like anyone else. The law says you can't shoot someone attempting to escape , since they would no longer pose an immediate threat to you, near regardless of what they did to you in the moments prior. That doesn't mean a case won't get thrown out, your peers won't nullify, or that you would even be charged at all depending on the circumstances. In this case a man claims he was getting out of his car, was robbed at gunpoint, and at some point the victim of the robbery shot the robber, then the robber ran away. Later in the evening someone turned up at the hospital with a gunshot wound. If these people are one in the same (all signs point to yes), he did in fact attempt to rob the victim (had no business on the residence, was not family, friend, or foe), and is not shot in the back, then we as a society should give the benefit of the doubt to the victim, barring any real evidence proving otherwise. Even if he was shot in the back I personally wouldn't care, but I could see one getting in legal trouble.
  2. Damn ... don't I feel sheepish. Though, however the armed robber found himself shot, I care not. If indeed this was a robbery, and all that checks out.
  3. No one said it was great news. They said it was excellent news. Also, since when is a two month old, a toddler? Lastly, armed robbers deserve to be shot, so even though the situation is horrible, and it is much preferred for the father and child to never have gone through such a terrible ordeal, a person willing to point a firearm at another human being for money or property was shot, and I could give two fucks if it was in the back, the back of his head, or both knees and one in the gut, I only hope that if the alleged victim's story is true, that there are no legal woes coming his way.
  4. sol740


    That happens when any team sees success. I rocked a Bengals Starter jacket in middle school and took constant flak from the Ohio Cowboy fan legion.
  5. sol740


    3rd and 11, long bomb into the end zone when you're in 4 down territory. Fucking bone-headed.
  6. The 1911 ... it's also my favorite.
  7. Hey, I missed 3rd. I take solace knowing that if my snowboard helmet had mirrors, you would live in them. Yes, that's an invitation. Just bought my once a week pass.
  8. I miss the Evo. Though that one doesn't appear to be my old one.
  9. Man, I wish we had an Other's pizza in our neighborhood.
  10. That color ... drooooooooolz.
  11. I've been kicking around joining, just keep putting it off.
  12. sol740

    NY shooting

    Well, I understand the liability issue in our sue-happy society. If the state/county/city allows a worker to carry and an incident occurs that's a lawsuit waiting to happen. Which is also why some of us can't carry at our workplaces, even if they allow customers to.
  13. Having recently shot one I think it's the only hi-point I'd ever own. Though it's fucking hideous. I would probably change the stock. Regardless it shot flawlessly, and was accurate enough at 25 yds.
  14. sol740

    Boyds Stock 795

    Thanks folks, can't wait to get it out and test it. Mark, that color with the SS is fookin sexy.
  15. Bought this as a Christmas present to myself, SS Evolution stock from Boyds. 99 bones shipped, finished, freefloated, and the color in person is way prettier than the pic. It was a total drop-in, which I had read isn't always the case. Handles really well, and is lighter than I expected. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/picsay-1356104745.jpg
  16. They posted about doing it, not sure if they've gone through with it.
  17. I had fun with my build, save for that takedown detent that I shot into the future. Luckily I had spares.
  18. sol740


    Watched that many times, and every time I do, it always surprises me how badly I want to beat the smug looks right off of some of their faces. Steve, I believe she went into politics in Texas, and was also on Penn and Tellers Gun Control Bullshit episode.
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