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Everything posted by sol740

  1. I forget what board I was on, but a PSU fan brought up our record against the SEC in bowl games post tat-gate. I reminded him who the winningest coach in college football was.
  2. I totally needed to see that again.
  3. Don't test that in Chicago, NY, or DC. So much wrong in this video.
  4. Right, semantics. I suppose in my brain a disease is something you contract, as opposed to create. However, being such a broadly defined term, maybe I shouldn't care. It is possible my annoyance lies in seeing the term used as an excuse, as was often the case with a friend of mine on the H. When I was smoking, was it a disease? I don't think so, I quit smoking, after just deciding to. I surely couldn't have quit lung cancer.
  5. LOL, to the person who neg-repped me with the comment ... Please provide me with a list of diseases you A. Give yourself B. Can completely avoid C. Once acquired can be cured indefinitely by refusing to participate in causing behaviors Alex and I are in total agreement. Calling addiction 'disease' is not only disingenuous, but allows the addicted to shift blame from him/her self, to an imaginary boogeyman they call disease. It's not their actions, it's the disease, they couldn't help themselves, they have a disease. Obviously genetic predisposition is a factor, however that in and of itself is not a disease. Semantics? Maybe.
  6. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=3c0_1351184890
  7. Folks calling addictions "diseases" has always bugged the hell out of me. It's not a disease, it's a behavior. The behaviors can certainly lead to diseases, and full-on withdrawal I'm sure feels like all sorts of terrible, but I refuse to label "drinking" and "smoking, injecting, snorting" as disease. Not to jump on you, your advice is sound. Maybe that's a pet peeve of mine.
  8. We also purchased several rooms full of furniture from Ashley, got them during a sale and at a very good price. I saved enough I went ahead with an extended warranty plan, which I almost never do. I've had 5 different repair/service calls in 2 years. If they come out again for my great room couch they have to replace it. Not what I expected.
  9. I was just being an asshole. I personally think Ohio State should play the other highest ranked Ohio team from the previous year during nonconference play every season.
  10. Misogynistic football post of the year right there.
  11. OSU treats rescheduling with other Ohio teams like rescheduling booty calls with the regulars to get some strange. They'll always be there, and they're always anxious.
  12. When I quit smoking roughly 9 years ago, my brain and body took a collective shit on my soul everyday it seemed. It does get better, and the goals you have in mind are more than worth it.
  13. Ok, serious post. Congrats on owning your priorities. Brian is right, moderation is key, however, if it takes a long break to be able to get that mindset in place, I hope you do well. If it takes quitting the sauce forever, then good luck to you. As far as your anger, if you were drinking a lot, and were harboring an addiction, being of an ill-mood is surely expected. It will calm down with time. Possibly filling "drinking time" with something constructive will help, and be cathartic. The above is especially true for a serious alcohol dependency.
  14. I was an out of work actor trying to get a speaking role on the Walking Dead, in full Zombie makeup. Nobody at my Halloween party got it.
  15. It's difficult to not be approved for higher education loans. That's the next bubble, and it's only getting bigger. The cost of education is skyrocketing because of government loans, that conveniently can't be discharged under bankruptcy. Schools have no incentive to lower prices to more affordable rates, because why charge less when the money isn't even coming from your customer. Of course when people can't find jobs, or those jobs don't provide the incomes necessary to pay off the loans, and simultaneously live a decent life, you are now a slave to your government.
  16. It was thought provoking and brutally honest. It's sad how crazy that seems in politics.
  17. The movement away from the two party system will not happen in a single election, almost all of us voting independent/3rd party understand this. You have to build support, and it will never happen if you keep getting bullied into voting R or D. The old tired excuses of "wasting votes" and "but this election is the most important so blah blah blah" are holding less and less water as the voters are beginning to smell the two handfuls of bullshit being held in front of them. These parties are both owned by corporations, PACs and other special interests, and they have proven their allegiances time and again. You believe in Mitt, so be it, vote for him. I believe in his past political record more than his future promises. The only wasted vote is one you don't believe in.
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