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Everything posted by sol740

  1. I may go, been looking for a deal on a CZ 550. Not sure if it's in the cards though.
  2. Even being anti-gun, knowing how not to kill yourself or another is a skill that should be taught. Kudos to your pops.
  3. That ... That ... I don't even have to click and I know what it is and I say ... That ...
  4. What can ya say. That is some dumb shit right there. The Powder room has had a couple of unfortunate incidents, so I'm sure seeing that made them happy as clams.
  5. Congrats, sounds like a smart move. PETA is very much against people owning animals as pets.
  6. That's exactly the point, the officer had to let him go. Not sure what you're looking for. I've never actually seen that movie, though I've heard I'd like it. Say what you want, yet here we are discussing it.
  7. It serves both to educate the officer, and the public. How many people see these videos and ask "can you do that?", or start a conversation, spread ideas. Is it trolling, baiting? Sure, but it serves a purpose. I'm for fighting it in court too, but civil disobedience puts the disapproval in their faces, and if enough people didn't comply they may reconsider the tactic. Again, these officers could be out patrolling, actively seeking out drunk drivers. No one is protecting them, just us non-drunk drivers.
  8. Sam, I think it's more just advising people of their rights, and what they can expect exercising those rights in a similar fashion. Everyone in situations with LEOs will have to decide how they conduct themselves. If I go through one my actions will be similar. I simply despise as a matter of principle, and freedom, going through a police checkpoint to conduct whatever activity I am on my way to doing. If people disagree that's fine too, I advise they handle the same situation how they see fit. For me avoiding the hassle through compliance would be cowardly, and tacitly accepting of the practice.
  9. If you are stopped in a checkpoint, or otherwise randomly, the officer has no legal reason to detain you, and unless you've got something illegal right in their face, no probable cause to be able to search you. You always have the right to remain silent. Answer no questions, and ask if you are free to go, till they let you leave. Edit: I offer no legal advice, just my understanding of my rights.
  10. That made me dumberer just readert inhf fytv.
  11. Laws do not equal morality, why do most citizens not understand this. Something being legal does not make it right. Acceptance of even the smallest evils, even under the guise of just causes, is the foot in the door tactics the power hungry will use to get traction. Did you see how many cops were there just standing around? Why couldn't they be patrolling, actively looking for the laughingly obvious signs of the dangerously impaired driver? You know, looking for criminals instead of harassing (and it is harassment) the common citizen.
  12. Standing up for the rights our fore-fathers fought and died for us to have is highschool logic? Allow me to retort. First your idea of every child being forced into military service is UNEQUIVOCALLY anti-American, and is communist/socialist mentality at it's worst. We should only join the military when we feel our freedom is threatened, and we are willing to die to protect it. Spanking children in study after study shows no significant corrective behavior beyond alternative methods. However, if one wants to spank their kids so be it, it's none of my business how someone chooses to raise their child. I was spanked mildly as a child, I just didn't do what got me spanked in front of whomever spanked me. There's far more to raising decent children than "correcting" them. You have to teach them. Kids are fucked up today because stupid parents told them they were all special butterflies, and super-inflated their self-worth without having actually earned anything. There should be no drug-testing necessary for welfare recipients because it shouldn't exist. Or if we must have it, let's make sure it's there for people who absolutely, positively, cannot take care of themselves. Say, the severely mentally/physically disabled. Have you ever considered what those weekly/monthly drug tests would cost? Your dislike of the Westboro Baptist Church is well-founded, they are pieces of shit, yet the 1st doesn't denote whether good speech or bad speech is free. Because a tyrannical majority will always call an unpopular minority's view bad, true or not. I may hate what you have to say, but I will fight for your right to say it. I'd say randomly stopping me for no fucking reason is unreasonable. How can we tolerate this nonsense. There are many states that prohibit suspicion-less stops/checkpoints. I can't believe some of the responses in here. DUI checkpoints besides being a colossal waste of my time, are a moronic waste of taxpayer dollars. Of course most things the police do these days are a waste of our collective money-pool, it's like we forgot why we have police in the first place.
  13. God, please don't let Lucas fuck these up too. Also please stay away from the established extended universe, all that stuff sucked.
  14. I'm about cupcakes. (but I voted for your "friend")
  15. Unfortunately we've already allowed police to encroach upon our freedom of travel, and unlawful searches via the wholly unconstitutional DUI checkpoint. Fuck it though, these guys are just trying to protect society from itself so let's just tolerate it.
  16. I'm sure he means 5th amendment as it relates to Miranda, 'right to remain silent', to avoid incriminating oneself which then in turn would be used in court against you.
  17. I certainly see your point, although to my knowledge, size of the knife may or may not be illegal depending on what city you're in. Also I carry a knife daily as a tool which comes in handy for more everyday tasks than one can imagine. I do buy knives with less than 3 inch blades to avoid some moronic ordinances. His problem was that he cooperated beyond where he should have. Never give the police permission to search you, always question their actions when it pertains to your rights. I've seen quite a few open carry videos where the citizen had to point out that carrying was legal, and that the officer could not detain or search them without suspicion of a crime. This guy should have been more prepared for the possibility of ignorance on the part of the police.
  18. I've seen the Ohioccw thread about this, is there one on buckeye firearms?
  19. I was under the impression that probable cause had to be related to something illegal, probable cause of a crime. Inciting a panic, menacing, disorderly conduct, all of those must be attached to something illegal. Sounds like he has a strong case with a decent lawyer, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but please cite the ORC, or case law.
  20. I'll give it a try on a touch surface device, but fuck having that on a PC.
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