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Everything posted by sol740

  1. I can agree that it's hardly the most graceful way to handle the situation, but I don't think it makes her a terrible person. I like football, not track, starting in 3, 2 ...
  2. Why should she have to apologize for being a competitive person, after being called out? She is the victim, she is being trashed publicly, for talking shit to a disabled person, despite not knowing the person was disabled, and despite the trash talk being strictly related to her area of competition, (well, not the concussion joke), and not some distasteful joke about the persons disability.
  3. Ahhh, big-government conservatives, war-mongering liberals, these guys are so similar it's mind bending that this is being called a choice. Hey, why not vote for the gun-stealing, social healthcare espousing republican, instead of the gun-stealing, social healthcare espousing democrat. Heritage Foundation think tank did what? Noooo, Obama is a socialist, non-citizen, muslim who simultaneously has a Christian pastor I dislike. Good business man? Didn't seem to matter much whenever WB was running.
  4. Nom nom nom nom nom is the sound of the caring I give not.
  5. Why would people expect a track star to know who some random, injured football player is? I certainly didn't recognize the name and I love football.
  6. To each their own. Also, titty sprinkles.
  7. That could have been a great video without Fred Durst and Limp Bizkit in it.
  8. Apparently she died due to an overdose. (unverified) http://www.todaysthv.com/news/article/229011/288/Troubled-Michigan-lottery-winner-found-dead
  9. Congrats. Love the tiny buckeye gear.
  10. long time bro, how ya been.
  11. I've read some good things on the DB9, though I have no experience with the firearm myself. I also think the LC9 is a bit large for a pocket gun.
  12. That's the trick, and it doesn't matter who you vote for when you fall for it. Hey, if you don't vote for "asshole", you're just helping "asshole" stay in/take office. We've all heard that, and I have personally caved to that argument. However if your goal is to not have an asshole in the office/senate/house/council you're not being served. If you believe in the liberty movement you know this election is already lost, but the battle is important regardless. The republican-neocons despised Paul, and cheated left and right, changing their own rules to benefit the establishment candidate. Johnson is not Paul, but he is without question more liberty minded than either Obama/Romney. He needs support not so he can win, because he won't, but so we have our voices heard. Mr. Johnson needs to garner enough attention to be allowed on the televised debates. The setup, is for future elections. Without loud, public support, the debates (which are somehow controlled by partisan interests directly) will happily exclude anyone not of the two majors. See link below and call the number to get Gary in the debates. Hey, just remember to not vote for the guy who voted for the assault weapons ban, nor the guy who wanted to socialize healthcare. Have fun figuring out which is which. http://www.dailypaul.com/256475/jesse-ventura-let-gary-johnson-debate
  13. Damn, sent me the wrong shit. LOL. Well, at least their customer service is decent. They're sending me the correct stock asap.
  14. sol740

    new to site...

    Seksy ride, always wanted one. Welcome.
  15. ^ yeah, dickhead move for sure. Hopefully your word helps.
  16. I remember reading about this a while back. Yeah, pieces of shit. Sucks they were ripped off too, but a person with any amount of decency would leave and seek out the real estate agent.
  17. It's definitely shitty the poor guy had to suffer. I've killed a few pests before, mostly groundhogs, but I shot em.
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