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Everything posted by sol740

  1. http://www.c-span.org/Events/Ttthird-Party-Presidential-Debate/10737435220-1/
  2. I love my 9c, and bought it for the same reason, it just felt great in hand. Because the trigger on mine was pretty gritty during break-in, I had to be more deliberate with my pull, but now it's very smooth and I feel comfortable with my groups. Also if you call S&W they'll send you an extra pinky extension free.
  3. Research their voting records on the topics you deem important.
  4. The real debates are on tonight, you'll see actual debating, as opposed to the pre-determined question, preplanned reaction, cowardly exchange we saw last night. The "you're wasting your vote" and "helping the other guy" arguments will only work as long as you let them. The only way you can truly waste your vote is to allow someone else to scare/bully you into voting for someone/something you don't believe in.
  5. sol740

    dog issue..

    Could've just been the result of an unlikely occurrence. Kid crushes dog, dog nips. When my mastiff was showing signs of thinking himself above my son (growling when he was too close to his bowl for instance) I started having my son seemingly handle all the responsibilities I use to. He'd feed him, filling the food bowl, and bringing it out to him, letting him outside, walking with us. Haven't seen or heard anything mildly aggressive since. Not sure if similar would work in your case.
  6. That's gotta be a troll. Then again ...
  7. I never stated my guilt or innocence nor will I, just that I was ticketed, and I'm going to fight it. The effort will likely be minimal. I did ask whether or not pictures of your car are taken as evidence of the crime. Also drawing a tenuous comparison between murder, or even DUI, to front plate violations is beyond stupid. Laws are not right, by virtue of being law alone. Next time you receive a ticket by all means do not explore your options.
  8. When? Did they produce a picture of your car sans plate?
  9. I'm going to fight this and try to waste someones time (and my own), get something for my $45.00, maybe even get lucky. I was told on the phone too bad, so sad, but that I could file a formal complaint online, and request a hearing. I'll call my lawyer and get his advice. He's a friend, so advice is free
  10. So I received a parking ticket downtown at a meter that I had paid for, for several hours. As I'm walking out to re-up the meter I see the ticket on my car. It's for not displaying my front plate, as there was plenty of time on the meter left. Question, do the meter douchebags take pictures of your car?
  11. sol740


    Some info on Fairtax for those interested. http://www.fairtax.org/site/PageServer?pagename=FAQs
  12. sol740


    I've often heard proponents of progressive taxes citing the destructive nature of fair taxes and still have yet to have someone explain it to me, and I strongly desire to know, beyond the usual, "low income homes can't afford it". Don't buy a flat screen TV, iPhone, 22 inch rims, xbox, or other such goods and one may more easily afford food, shelter, and whatnot. The federal income tax steals from the public, then inefficiently spends that money on any number of wasteful expenses. The government cannot, and does not spend that money better than the earner.
  13. sol740


    Ken, I often find myself agreeing with you, and I respect your intellect, but on this I strongly disagree. Progressive taxes are socialistic, of course so are any income taxes but if you're going to tax it must be fair across the board. Capital gains are a different animal, and progressives know this. We simply don't have the same skin in the game. The risk is taken by the investor. Though should I invest enough, than it is likely paying its fair share in opportunity that otherwise may not have existed. Sure, none of us so directly choose success over failure, but our actions over time lead to mathematical probabilities of success over failure when combined with understanding a desired market. While many of us choose to be construction workers, sales clerks, IT specialists, and what have you, without people investing in that infrastructure, those jobs may not exist.
  14. sol740


    Lincoln didn't say that. Though I agree with it.
  15. sol740


    Abolish the Federal Income Tax. Why not on the 100 year anniversary of the scam that is income tax? The Federal government was never suppose to be able to tax us a percentage of jack shit.
  16. So did Urban Meyer. Though I'm kind of kidding about Heacock. Kind of.
  17. Rehire Heacock nao plz? Him and Urban have worked together before.
  18. sol740

    New CC gun

    Wow, didn't realize this was a 9mm. May have to look into one now.
  19. sol740

    New CC gun

    Very nice, congrats.
  20. sol740

    My new toy

    Congrats! Marlin make some great rifles. As do I, my first firearm, plus the only bday present I received as a teenager where my mom was able to snap pics of me smiling like an idiot. I plan on giving it to my son someday as well.
  21. sol740

    Kimber quality

    I much preferred my Glock 17s trigger over my M&P. Though Kimber Trigger > every other handgun I've owned.
  22. sol740

    Kimber quality

    My Kimber was flawless after I bought a few decent mags, however my friends Crimson Carry was a nightmare regardless of mags.
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