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Everything posted by sol740

  1. He wasn't going to hurt anybody, just steal all of their stuff. Jeez guys, just hand it over.
  2. I called it. The robbers are already playing the victims. That mean old man shot at them when they fell down, no fair-sies! http://www.gainesville.com/article/20120714/ARTICLES/120719763
  3. Fuuuuuu ... my body says no, but my mind says awwwwwwwwww yeeeeeah.
  4. And I am pleasantly surprised.
  6. I completely agree that both parties share blame, however in this case one of the parties is dead, so whatever mistake he made, he paid with his life. The police involved must be punished for causing the situation.
  7. While I agree his "dumbness" was a factor in his death, that doesn't excuse the officers. They were the intruders. They had no business being there, the dead man was not guilty of a crime, and was not a suspect of any kind. It is not illegal to have a gun on you when you open your door. There is no way of knowing if the man actually pointed his gun at the officers. Were the officers in plain clothes? Lots of questions.
  8. It couldn't be more relevant. A man is dead because of that mistake. His family probably thinks it's relevant. What is completely irrelevant is hypothetical situations that are totally different and in no way analogous to what occurred, i.e police responding to a situation at hand such as someone being shot. That's not even close to what happened, they didn't respond to a situation, they created one. That has nothing to do with going to a wrong address, and shooting a man who is unaware of why you're there and is concerned for his own safety. Creating anecdotal situations out of thin air and citing individuals who moan and complain when "something happens to them", even though moaning and complaining are both well within one's rights, or the folks that want "300 cops ... now" is literally irrelevant. Regardless, this isn't someone complaining about a ticket they received, or being mad about police response time. A man, who as far as we know was only guilt of being dumb, is dead.
  9. The cops are idiots. In fairness to the idiot cops, if I feel I need to answer my door gun in hand, I'm not answering the door.
  10. sol740

    Fiction Books

    Haha, it was a tough one, but easily my favorite McCarthy novel. House of Leaves is also a difficult read but for entirely different reasons.
  11. sol740

    Fiction Books

    House of Leaves, Mark Z. Danielewski if you like horror that is genuinely scary. Survivor, Chuck Palahniuk. Neuromancer, as previously suggested, is a classic. Blood Meridian, Cormac Mccarthy.
  12. sol740

    CR T-Shirts

    http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/WHITECR.jpg That's the one.
  13. sol740

    CR T-Shirts

    I swear I made a t-shirt design in some other thread.
  14. There's so much spin around these parts I'm feeling a bit nauseated.
  15. It's the most wonderful time of the year!
  16. You know I want an 8 team, but I am more than pleased to see the current BCS die and get a compromise of a playoff. Yeah, TCU and Boise St. will have tougher roads to the championship than teams in premiere conferences. So that stays the same as it ever was with one key difference, more available chances, with a committee that very well could see them play.
  17. Heavily weighted strength of schedule would only make the regular season more important because the opponents you play are your body of work, instead of a number padded by teams no one remembers or cares about.
  18. Correct, and beyond that I believe in most states holding the weapon in your hand could be considered brandishing, which would generally fall into an arrestable offense.
  19. It's not true in a system where beating a cupcake is weighted less heavily than losing to a competitive team. Such makes for far more interesting non-conference games, as teams would always benefit from playing tough opponents. That makes for more awesome games, which we all want. This fosters competition and would have the odd side effect of actually finding out who is good. As far as there only being 4 in the current playoff setup, the powers that be know this is going to lead to an 8 team playoff eventually, which is why the contract is a long one. Beyond that, I'd rather there be some whining about who's 4 and 5, than who's 2 and 3. Expanded to 8, I'd rather hear even less whining about who's 8 and 9 than 4 and 5. Also public support of that whining will wane the further down the list you go.
  20. So the issue is "people in society mistake carrying a gun as suspicious activity". Thus cops are called and questions unanswered. Of course admittedly, I am assuming that that was the only "suspicious behavior" being exhibited by the man in the video. However the police officer's statements imply as much. Don't get me started on DUI checkpoints. Pure fucking evil.
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