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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Hurry up and buy. $38 shipped. Needed to renew mine anyway. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Xbox-Live-12-Month-Gold-Membership-Card/270838312605?afepn=5335869999&campid=5335869999&PID=1225267&_trksid=p1468660.m2000036
  2. I actually think I am burnt out on the COD formula right now. Will probably skip for a sequel or two.
  3. Shane is already playing a much larger role than he ever did in the comics. No one is "safe" save one or two obvious choices, but I expect them to milk the tension quite a bit more, and who knows, maybe even completely deviate from the books.
  4. No, no Fickell. Get him out, he got the job because of the situation, and that's it. He had a permanent job interview with Miami, MSU, and Nebraska, and failed. I don't care if PSU loses another game, we win out, and somehow win the B1G, get rid of him, and get a real coach. Urban? Fucking awesome. Someone else? Whatever, I don't care, but we need an actual Head Coach.
  5. I actually thought that right when it happened.
  6. Nobody is likely using "Mobile Hotspot" which is the app that Sprint uses to WiFi tether and is connected to their tethering plan. Most use pdanet, easytether, or Wireless Tether if rooted. Not that Sprint doesn't have ways to tell what you are doing, it's just that they have yet to really come down on tethering. I personally think it's due to their wanting to keep as many customers as possible right now, they know coming down on tethering "for real" would result in a user exodus. Though I wouldn't want to game on a tethered connection cause of latency issues, even if it isn't using as much data as one would think.
  7. Some folks have no understanding of the most basic common courtesys, nor bother to consider how they might act in a reversal of roles. I'm sure this person would likely throw a fit a toddler would be envious of if it were him that were blocked. Best thing you can do is write it off.
  8. sol740

    ccw choice

    Big fan of my LCP, makes a great pocket pistol for when I don't feel like wearing an IWB holster. I also like the S&W, so I would say whichever one feels more comfortable in your hands. I don't think either is all that great for shooting comfort anyway, just good at being tiny, yet serviceable handguns. So with that in mind ... Government model 1911.
  9. I much more enjoyed the followup. Seemed tighter, more focused. (Spoiler start: the scene removing the first bullet fragment was hard to watch. Spoiler End) Damn, I hate watching TV shows when they air, stupid week wait.
  10. sol740

    Survival theory

    I've seen some disaster prep folks take it a bit far before, and I use those personal examples as the measuring stick to keep myself in check regarding the difference between preparation, and paranoia. Specifically a good friends father who went well off the deep end and spends so much time and money preparing for the "inevitable collapse of civilized society", that he might as well buy a unibomber shack in a forest somewhere, and live by himself and just pretend the collapse has already occured. At a point, it almost feels like someone wants something crazy to happen. I've basically tried to keep the normal survival stuff one would expect. Drinking water, a small supply of food, ammunition for hunting or protection, and some basic outdoor gear for myself and the family. I just can't allow myself to get any more sucked in.
  11. While the Occupy movement may grate on some of my more libertarian sensibilities, some of what I hear is more than aggreeable. Government is bought, courts are bought, seperation of government from corporate interest and control is paramount to a society where the government works for and is scared of, the people. Run on sentence, so on and so forth. Though when I hear about free college education(free of course as in taxed), among other moronic socialist rhetoric I want to choke people. College doesn't make someone successful, having the drive to do what you do best, and be marketable for that skill makes you successful. Whether you needed continued education or not.
  12. Sorry, no it's not, but by the time I'm done with Dark Souls both Skyrim and Uncharted 3 will be out, and I'll more than likely play those first. Not to mention Battlefield 3 and ModWar3. Damn fall.
  13. When I'm done with Dark Souls, Uncharted 3, and Skyrim, I will be on this. Hopefully will be good and cheap by then. Getting killer reviews too.
  14. I had my gripes for sure but I'm sure I'm just being nerd-whiny and i'll be back in love with the show next week. Hell, I think Carl gets shot in the comics too (can't remember its been years).
  15. They mean well, but you often hear of the extremes either way. HOAs that do jack shit(but still collect), and HOAs that are borderline Nazi nitpickers and get pissy about the fucking American flag.
  16. Am I the only one underwhelmed? Story feels tactless and lazy right now. Spoiler section. SPOILERS START The whole "I get tired but they don't so go get lost while I run far away to kill them instead of just picking your ass up and running back to the group who can easily handle two fucking walkers ... " bit was too stupid to imagine. Then the deer bit? What? Everybody gets all wonderstruck out of nowhere, little boy walks slowly towards deer with stupid smile then gets shot by who I assume is another as of yet unintroduced friendly who just happens to be hunting that very deer, and yet somehow doesn't notice 3 fucking people standing 10 feet away. Yes hunting accidents happen, blah blah blah. Keep in mind this is a deer that has been surviving in a zombie infested world, where as a deer, the only way you could die is if you spotted some zombies and instead of doing as deer often do, run away, you just stood there and let them slowly walk at you. That is very lazy way to tack a shock cliffhanger to a tv show. Want more awful writing? Fucking idiot lookout on top of a fucking RV with god damn binoculars somehow doesn't see giant pack of 100 fucking zombies till they're right on top of them. Mother doesn't run to help her own child in danger of BEING FUCKING EATEN ALIVE, instead sits there cowering like a fool. Then won't even go in after her when she is missing. Gun shots attract walkers in droves, loud ass fake church bells not so much. SPOILERS END The shock cliffhanger is destroying good tv writing. Lots of decent tv shows ruin themselves by constantly having to up the ante, every hour of every show, and there comes a moment when it becomes so crazy and so "shocking" that all suspension of disbelief is broken, and the show starts to suck. Heroes, Lost, Prison Break, and I'm seriously hoping NOT WALKING DEAD. I'm hoping this is like the Latino gang episode and I can write off, and enjoy the rest of the season. I expected better from Kirkman though.
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