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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Also interested in seeing mockup.
  2. Aston Martin is a little too high quality for rattlecan paint. You'd need a highgrade metallic, maybe sprinkle some cocaine on it while drying.
  3. Could someone in the service now please go find a Jaguar and spray paint 1776 on the side please?
  4. EDIT: Guys in the vid are gawd damn annoying. Don't fuck with peoples cars. lulz
  5. Yeah ... I don't think that. I was just relating that we were sick, or more importantly, that I also have kids who are sick.
  6. My whole family just got annihilated by the stomach flu going around.
  7. Well it makes sense when you figure in that the 32nd round is almost always fatal.
  8. Said it before, will say it again, if voters and computers were the best way to crown a national champion every other sport would do it. As is, there is only one division of college football that does. I suppose all of the excuses thrown about in regards to FBS football players don't apply to FCS football players, or even highschool players. Hell, Slive isn't afraid of competing, worthless ass, Jim Delany, is. The lack of a decent post season is largely the Big Tens fault.
  9. Delicious fried potatoes? Maybe even cheesy?
  10. Gotta say I would love to see some serious asswhoopins handed out.
  11. God damn that sucks. Sorry to hear.
  12. Some of the Arnovas are capacitive and some aren't. My boss bought the resistive version for his daughter.
  13. I take back what I said about the Sophia storyline.
  14. sol740

    Dear Alex

    Happy bday man. (insert funny comment)
  15. Anything is better than the clipart vomit adorning my poor vehicles right now.
  16. This just in guys, not only has Urban Meyer signed the contract already, and bought a house in Upper Arlington, a house in Dublin, a house in Powell, and a house by Miller/Kelton, but he surgically replaced his testicles with swollen buckeyes, and pledged an unholy allegiance to the dark lord of football guaranteeing us no less than 2 championships. That's commitment. Pending some health concerns, or family. Or something.
  17. Super talented. Also, thoroughly annoying.
  18. Did Michigan beat Ohio State?
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