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Everything posted by sol740

  1. I think any law new or old that targets devices specifically would all fall into a degree of discretion for the officer, since the devices themselves serve so many possible functions, as we have discussed. We all think texting while driving is distracting, but so is changing cds, doing makeup, eating a sandwich, talking to a passenger, all to varying degrees, but still distracting. Educating drivers is likely the best thing we can do, and we have to know for certain it won't stop the problem 100%. Nothing will, because dumbasses will continue to live, and non-dumbasses will still make the occasional bad decision.
  2. I think trying to legislate America into "being better" is almost always a bad idea. Then creating punishments based on potential harm, for something we all have been somewhat guilty of, seems like a great way to make criminals out of regular citizens, and/or open up cash revenue streams for the government and insurance agencies.
  3. Exactly, my phone is my main audio player, and GPS while in my car. I avoid texting while not at a red light, but I've read a few texts while driving. It's faster then checking a mirror most of the time.
  4. sol740


    You're doing it wrong.
  5. Can't go wrong with the official adapter, though I used the netgear one without issue. Your local connection will have basically no effect on your Xbox live connection lagwise, your actual internet connection is much more important, though games use surprisingly little bandwidth. Just verify your NAT is open.
  6. sol740

    New NSX

    Curious about weight.
  7. Are you a protected class .... say like a bald eagle, or some forest reserve. I might not understand what exactly it is I'm asking.
  8. Damn, wish I had taken some better photos this summer. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMG_7594-2.jpg
  9. Please feel free to rework the design front or back as the site sees fit. The back could pretty much say whatever the folks here want. It could just say ColumbusRacing.Com for all I care. Little inside jokes like that are funny to me, but I can see why you don't like it.
  10. Very nice pickup man. Congrats, and enjoy the summers.
  11. I like this cause it's ... subtle ... FRONT http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/WHITECR.jpg BACK http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/WHITECRBACK.jpg
  12. sol740

    The Duggars

    Faith doesn't absolve people from being dumbasses. Again I am grateful that they at least take care of their kids, I can't hate on them for that. However, I look at a situation and calls it, hows I sees it. "God" did tell you not to have anymore kids, the last time you got pregnant and had a one pounder. "God" is doing it again,(he's in full control after all) you had a late miscarriage. Stop making babies, you are old, and you have enough. At some point we just have to question whether mom is simply addicted to pregnancy/fame/attention, and using her faith as an excuse to keep popping em out.
  13. sol740

    The Duggars

    I don't really care what people do with their lives as long as they're handling it, and not the taxpayer, but the "when god tells me" shit is beyond obnoxious. The fact that people actually utter words like this regularly, is beyond confounding.
  14. Damn it, I was going to do a design with a bench.
  15. I'd feel like a piece of shit if I found something that potentially important to someone and didn't do everything I could to find the owner.
  16. Jerked to Newscast Achievement Unlocked.
  17. 78% of Americans identify as Christian, please shut the fuck up about being persecuted now. Also if someone is offended because someone else wished them a merry Christmas they deserve to die. People key in on the stupidest things. It's not that someone is wishing you a merry Christmas, it's that they are wishing something merry for you.
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