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Everything posted by sol740

  1. You mean the movie where the would be assassin turns out to be the long lost father? That is literally, the worst, and laziest twist ending of all time. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul.
  2. Yup, I want to make fun of miata owners right about now.
  3. That's pretty fucking sweet. Faster than 50% of the left lane on 71.
  4. This. The only Godfather one may complain about is the 3rd.
  5. Right, I definitely see where you're coming from, even if the above doesn't exactly translate to the setup of an MMO, literally thousands of users. Like I said, it will probably be drastically reduced in up front cost, if not free for 30 days or whatever, like many other MMOs, after sales start to drop off.
  6. After the initial sales buzz dies down expect it to be "free for ..." just like WOW, and others, to get folks in the door. I'm not sure what all the subscription rage is about, pretty standard shit here.
  7. sol740


    Hahahahaha. Fucking asshole ... ba ba but I'm a sheriff.
  8. http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/intro.aspx
  9. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/yunogerman.jpg
  10. I'd rock a mini cooper. Like literally throw rocks at it. Unless it was an old one. Those rule.
  11. Sorry, I didn't see these before, I think you're confusing this with Knights of the Old Republic for the original Xbox. TOR is effectively a continuation of that series, just add multiplayer.
  12. Yes there are some standard genre tropes, Ye old fetch this and kill that, but at the same time no, the story plays a much more significant role than in most other MMOs. If you liked KOTOR 1 or 2, as I very much did, I would bet you would enjoy this too. Plus raids and heroic quests in a group are as fun as ever.
  13. I can has herpes for Xmas?
  14. I'm having a blast but I always liked being an evil prick in KOTOR. However, it is an MMO, lots of clicking. Yes its a subscription game, though that's pretty standard for MMOs, and yes it officially launched on the 20th.
  15. I respectfully disagree, but there is no way to know for sure either way. I would have preferred laying this shit bowl out there to find out. Piousness, and offerings to the NCAA overlords.
  16. Anybody else playing? Just started last night, up to level 9, Imperial Sith Warrior on the Saber of Exar Kun server. Haven't touched an MMO since The Matrix, but I'm having a lot of fun. Unlike most MMOs, so far this game has a strong story element and feels like a proper sequel to KOTOR.
  17. I've got a couple pics of my grandpa.
  18. I think the NCAA saw how cocky we were acting, saying we were sure we wouldn't be getting a ban, blah blah blah. Hiring a hotshot coach. Accepting a bowl bid this year. We practically had a 2 year bowl ban, sugar bowl wiped, and next year. Gene offers up this years bowl as sacrifice, and shuts his mouth, we have a postseason next year.
  19. The title to this thread was very accurate. So ... I ... have ... also heard.
  20. That is not necessarily true, it's hard to get the sarcasm reading it, and most utter it too quickly. It's 'I could care less'(extra emphasis on the could, like you're thinking about it). Also the Hawaii thing is win.
  21. Smith needs gone now. Thanks for the Gator Bowl. Get Gee's stupid, foot goes in mouth, ass out too.
  22. I know right, that one with the wing looks retarded.
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