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Everything posted by sol740

  1. sol740


    Oh man I can't even imagine how difficult this must be, very sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with you and your family.
  2. David Burkes Primehouse was one of the most amazing steakhouses I've ever been to. The 40 day dry-aged was incredible. Expect a hefty bill. Pizanos for killer chicago pizza.
  3. Amazon with .99 cent day-one delivery for all games. No lines, no annoying game clerks, no gas wasted.
  4. If you already have another device on iOS, and the wife's device is/will be iOS, I would have to recommend another iOS device if only for simplicity. This is coming from someone who owns both an Evo, and an HTC tablet.
  5. Do my eyes deceive me? A couple first downs in a row, and a few points to boot?
  6. Pretty god damn sweet for 99 bones. Like Chris says, not sure if any stores are going to honor the price now though. Good luck. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMAG0247-1.jpg
  7. Just got an HTC Flyer Android tablet for $99 from Best Buy. Supposed price mistake but still listed on their site. In store only, and may or may not be honored. I'm typing on it now. Edit: Price has been corrected online, YMMV now.
  8. That's what I thought too ... Still pretty awesome though that he got closelined.
  9. I could see the novelty in a bumpfire stock.
  10. If this is a hoax, people are getting shot.
  11. Mark May is a bitch no doubt, but Holtz got our back. Almost to a fault.
  12. If we see that, I too will give a chuckle. Bring on the badass AR's folks !
  13. I will sell you my vette for 3 ... 0K. Deal ? :gabe:
  14. Yes, and I like steak dinners, and girl on girl porn. Or dude on girl. High-fiving bros on girl(s). Though no furries, no homo(high fives don't count), no bronies. On topic I must admit I'm not sure exactly how one interprets military action in regards to the 5th, doubly off of US soil.
  15. Holy shit. /thread. Off topic but I completely disagree. While the first line of the 2nd unfortunately leaves some interpretation open as to it's exact intent, the second all but nullifies any confusion. The right of the people, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. The people, not militia, not army. Doesn't really get any clearer.
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