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Everything posted by sol740

  1. I really dig the NSX, always have, always will. Couldn't justify the price to performance though.
  2. I think it looks absolutely tits. I have Nt05s, and I love em.
  3. Im not really freaked out by bugs, but bedbugs are disgusting.
  4. I like both! I recently bought my first 40sw handgun and the extra ammo is nice, but I feel just fine with 7+1 45acp too. Oh, and as far as felt recoil goes I can barely tell the difference between the two rounds in question. It's really dependant on the gun its coming out of. Maybe get a 10mm?
  5. I took an at home CCW course with 5 of my friends. $60+about $5 bucks range fee per person, single day course.
  6. sol740

    IWB holsters

    Here is a pic of the un-modified Kholster($50 after dye, and resolene). Like I said I did end up dying it black, sealing it with resolene, cutting some of the extra material away(though not a full combat cut), and drilled a mag-release hole. Super-duper comfy, though kind of odd-smelling. Not foul, just kind of odd. Fitment on the kydex was proper, adjustment was easy enough, though you need to be careful with the backing plates as the metal teeth easily bend. Awesome warranty. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/KH1.jpg This one is the Old Faithful($45 shipped), the original kydex form was for an HK USP that I ended up selling. The original fit was solid. After I sold it, I figured I could keep the holster and use a heat-gun to reform the kydex if the gun was similar in size. It's not the prettiest anymore, but after re-heating it fits my PX4sc just fine, holds it tight, and "clicks" in and out like original. The owner of Old Faithful Holsters offered to re-cook the kydex for S&H charges only, which is above and beyond. Materials seem a little nicer over-all compared to the Kholster(though backing plates have same weak teeth), and comfort is still fantastic. Great warranty as well. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/OFH.jpg
  7. sol740

    IWB holsters

    I do notice a slight comfort difference between having and not having a combat cut. However drawing is much easier with the cut, and I think it's worth the minimal comfort cost.
  8. Nice pickup. Ive never fired a Walther, but I like the way they look.
  9. God damn that sucks. Sorry to hear.
  10. sol740

    IWB holsters

    I have a kholster, and an old faithful iwb. They're both hybrid style holsters similar to crossbreed tucks. Both are super comfy, but the old faithful feels a little better quality wise, also comes with a combat cut, and they have a lot more options. Of course you can also modify the kholster to your liking. I cut the extra leather away, and dyed and sealed it. Prices were about the same. Not sure if either have laser options.
  11. We're suppose to jerk it to those right? My boner was a little confused but then I saw the sandwich.
  12. Fuck that, he should not be a cop. Done. He gave a direct order to the driver to shut up. Driver tried to notify and was denied. The piece of shit officer is making his fellow officers jobs more difficult, and violating not only rights, but basic human decency. The man is a menace, and should be relieved of his position, if not prosecuted. Also stress of job is nowhere near good enough an excuse. Even if he was totally guilty of picking up 10 hookers, and snorting coke off of their asses when the cop came up, that's still unacceptable behavior from a public servant. However he wasn't charged with solicitation to my knowledge, so moot point anyway.
  13. If we are referencing a being outside of time, yes. There would be no need to adjust, the beginning is the end is now. No change is required, as what is, has been, will be. These conversations become difficult because we all have our own idea as to what defines terms like god. They're better in person, with beers, and mature participants.
  14. If you are taking the standard judeo-christian view of Jesus, he is part of the holy trinity(which is basically quantum polytheism), along with the Father, and the Holy Spirit. As such "God's" plan is really *his* plan, and the Holy Spirit's plan. Therefore as they are infallible entities that form a sort of Voltron supergod, and they know what all decisions have or ever will be, they do not "allow" anything. It was God's plan. Do you suppose Jesus(who is god), or Pontius, or whomever, deny gods will to sacrifice his son(really him), to absolve man of the sin he invented, to save them from going to a hell he created. Why not just snap his cosmic fingers and be done with it. No blood sacrifice necessary. You quoted me, but nowhere in that quote did I mention "fixing", just the word 'modification' which would encompass both fixes, and changes, neither of which would be compatible with the god I described previously(the theist, infallible).
  15. My kids want fed like daily ... talk about high needs. For clarification, i'm not making light of your situation. I may not have high needs kids but I can empathize how frustrating that must be.
  16. An infallible being would not need to make a modification. It would already know. So the argument again would fall back to how much power this deity has.
  17. The time argument has become ... lol ... irreducible.
  18. A god that sees all time at once would have no control over it.
  19. I would argue that it's perfectly logical if one takes the stance that the god in question is infallible, absolutely cannot be wrong. If that's one stance, and said god knows every decision you will make, without the possibility of error, then true free will cannot exist. Free will is the same argument as what many call "mysterious ways", it simply allows for humans to conceptualize an all-powerful god that would still allow "evil"(subjective) to exist. Thus the blame is shifted from the one being that could actually do something about *whatever* to humans.
  20. Al Gore begins with an 'A' ends with an 'E'. Apple begins with an 'A' ends with an 'E'. OMMFG ... I discovered the truth.
  21. Apple rarely innovates, but in fairness, neither do other large companies. Most follow the ideology of *see good idea, steal or buy if we have to*. Apple didn't invent the mp3 player, the touchscreen smartphone(the OG iphone wasn't even an actual smartphone), nor the tablet PC. However they did sell their sleek image, user-friendly superiority, and robust operating systems(which they didn't really invent either) to great success. Also their image was enhanced by the inherent sexiness of being the t-shirted underdog to MS's megacorporate suits. Guess their lawyers wear suits though.
  22. sol740

    I spy Cr lol

    LULZ I heard you stacked folks like me 5 high.
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