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Everything posted by sol740

  1. While it must be handy to have a list of grievances to copy and paste, and while I'm sure I could find similar lists for every modern president, they would hardly be of topic(ie analogous comparison of one president's military action compared another's, and ones purportedly different ideology, specifically biased as propaganda). My point stands, while the situations may be mildly similar when spun a very specific way, the events surrounding each instance(instance being use of force), differ wildly in regards to local, and global scrutiny.
  2. I don't remember Obama lying about nuclear and/or chemical weapons of mass destruction in attempt to gain support, while completely ignoring the UN. Also one could label me a democrat, and I was in full support of the Afghanistan invasion. Most democrats were fine with that campaign.
  3. Surely you have a cell phone capable of taking a picture. The reason why everyone wants to see your vehicles, is because we're a visual bunch. Outside of visual stimuli, your intro isn't too bad, but could include your mods, what you do with your vehicles besides a to b, maybe a little bit of your personal, and innermost secrets. The main reason for everyone wanting to see pics, is it's a very easy way to see what kind of "car-guy" you are. Obviously you're into cars as you sought out this site. Whether or not you like 3M taping giant aluminum whale wings to FWD cars, or putting a 5 inch fartcans on a Honda accords, is something easily derived from pics. Also Kevin can make some wicked graphs with said pics. I'm not accusing you of said stuff, just making a point.
  4. That sounds gross. It's definitely on the sweeter side, rather than spicier. I always ask for extra spicy to make up for that. Sauce is light for Tso's, and not overpowering. When they get it perfect(which sometimes they do, sometimes they don't), there is a light crispy texture. Breading is minimal compared to how most places prepare it. Fuck you guys. Now I'm hungry.
  5. Then you would very much like Golden Valley's take.
  6. Asian Gourmet on 23 is quality all around. Sunflower is a good spot in Dublin, and I believe they sometimes serve dim-sum. Golden Valley on Sunbury Rd has excellent General Tso's. If you are in the Gahanna area Chi Tai has some a good mixture of asian styles, and some very tasty Yellow Curry Beef.
  7. sol740


    Nice. Congrats.
  8. If you have zero experience this is a good plan.
  9. I'm a sucker for widebody kits.
  10. So did he have to manually throw his chute out the back ?
  11. Same. Though I was also told if I started it, I was going to end up in another fight when I got home. That shit looked painful, but god damn did he ask for it. It even took a little more coaxing for the big kid to finally snap and rageslam the kid.
  12. I challenge you to gather statistical data over a hundred years(assuming we've kept track that long, if not then use some round number) in regards to major earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes in the US, to keep it manageable. Then compare the data, and see if we are in fact well above the highest 25%. That would be intriguing. My money would go to "nay".
  13. Cmon now, Irish and English, Saxon and Norman, Arab Shiite and Sunni. It's not just us Chinese-ish folks hating the Japanese and vice versa. As a matter of fact I even donated some money to help in light of the recent tragedies. Unless you're talking about those damn Koreans. Fuck those guys.
  14. Dumbassery knows no race. Which is exactly why having illusory superiority about one's own race is so stupid. Unless you're talking about basketball. Black people are better.
  15. UCLA will pretty much accept anyone then ?
  16. That's good to know. I figured there'd be less dumbasses, but I still have a problem. No back seats. Unless I want to drive the Tribeca, or Accord. Which I don't
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