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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Keep an eye on slickdeals.net.
  2. sol740

    Stupid shit

    People pull knives on people ? Id be scared to death to pull a knife in a CCW friendly state.
  3. Have you seen the videos of shop owners trying in sheer desperation to protect their livelihoods from the massive rioting crowds during the LA riots ? I'm not sure of the details of the girls death, but maybe she shouldn't have been out during a riot ? What were the details ?
  4. Hyde Park, S&W, Ruth Chris, Mitchells. All worth it.
  5. The castle doctrine is only there to give the benefit of the doubt to the homeowner until proven otherwise. While I personally side with the homeowner, and am glad the prosecutor feels similar, you can't leave any detail up for interpretation. Shooting an unarmed man outside upon exit does just that. I hope it is dropped, barring any outrageous evidence. Honestly if it were me and someone threatened my family outside or wherever, I'm not sure if I could restrain.
  6. I'm still likely buying a Kimber Tactical Ultra. Aren't 1911's sometimes "finicky" guns anyway(till dialed in) ?
  7. That was so bad, I am forced to call it. I know some you guys want to keep going, and that's admirable, but we all saw this coming. Time of hip hop's death: right when I heard Chet Haze. (removes surgical mask, throws it at wall in disgust upon exit)
  8. /thread Also Infamous.
  9. That's fair enough, if not entirely analogous. I've certainly never encountered any accidental (negligent?) discharges and I'm comfortable with all of my current firearms, and how they operate, though I've never carried any of them either. Like I said I think it's just mental right now. Hell even the thought of carrying a 1911 "cocked and locked" leaves me with a weird feeling. It's a feeling I know I'll have to get over, in order to increase effectiveness in a self-defense situation. Even though I'm 99% I'll never be in said situation.
  10. Cool, do you carry with one in the chamber ? I guess that's what is bugging me about the no safety carry. I suppose I could carry without one in the chamber, and learn to to rack the slide as part of my draw. Though what if a hand is disabled ? Or am I simply being swept away in the nonsensical river of misfire stories out there ? I assume it's that, and it's just mental for me.
  11. Yes I was aware of the Glocks semi-DAO-ish-ness. That's why I asked about the SW. Thanks for providing more info on it.
  12. That is nice, and I hadn't considered it either. I'm not sure if I'm a "Glock Guy" per se. My first handgun was a P.O.S HP .380 that seemed to jam as much as it fired. I made the "cheap" purchase at the time cause I was young and broke (and a total handgun noob). I immediately saved more money, sold it, and purchased my first Glock per my friend's high praise. Admittedly my range time is limited, but in the years since I have not had a single jam. Not one. However the lack of any external safeties does bother me slightly for carry purposes. I plan on keeping the Utah stand-alone as long as I can. The confidentiality part of the Utah permit is more up my alley. I am aware of my duties as an Ohio resident should I ever get pulled over.
  13. Hmmm, interesting. No I had not previously. I like the look of it. Is it a true DAO ?
  14. If you don't wish to read the walls of text below, please skip to highlighted Endpost Summary to learn all you will ever need to know. So I completed the Utah course, and everything is sent. Just waiting for the checks to come back, and to get my permit. In the meantime I can have some gun-lust, tenting my fingers and giggling in anticipation of my upcoming purchase. Conveniently I will be receiving a rather large bonus from my employer within the next month, so this one is going to be like a freebie for me. Just cut a chunk of it out, and pretend it was never there. Rest goes into car-savings. None of my current firearms are too carry friendly(handguns are all full-size glocks), so that is going to be a major factor. Current leaders are(all .45s): Kimber Ultra Carry 2 (black) Kimber Ultra Tactical 2 (two tone black slide) HK45c (Never used, best friend swears by and has boner for) Colt Defender (It's a Colt) SA GI Micro (Don't care for grips but that is easily fixed) Glock 30 (Another Glock ! or ?) Obviously I'm having somewhat of a 1911-boner right now. I've always wanted a Kimber (Wilson or Nighthawk too), but never cared to spend more than $700 on a handgun, especially since my real home defense weapon is a 12 gauge. Everything I've read says that all of the 1911's can be super-reliable, not that they will be out of the box, except for the Wilson Combats out there, and I'm not willing to go that high. I know there's a break-in period and that I can expect some issues within 500 or so rounds. Even in worst-case scenarios requiring some smithing or warranty work. I also know I plan to feed it the same ammo once I dial in what works best. Knowing all that, they still top my list. The HK45c I have never fired or handled, my friend owns only HK's. He use to own several Glocks, which he sold to buy more HK's. As soon as I told him I would be carrying, he was pimping out the 45c. Everything I have read confirms his zeal. I hate to say the reason I still want a 1911 more, is because I find the styling of it, so appealing. Lastly the tried and true Glock. The only thing I have for (against?) the Glock 30 is that I already own two other Glocks. However, outside of familiarity, I'm not finding too many reasons to buy another besides housing more ammo, but that comes with a thicker grip. Anything I am terribly wrong about ? Please educate me, or give me your opinion. Also onto ... Endpost Summary: Boners.
  15. Im sorry to hear that man. Keep your head up and I hope all is well.
  16. sol740


    I have no idea what the fuck is going on in here, but when Brian and Phil are fighting, I always cry myself to sleep cause I know ... deep down inside ... that it's all my fault.
  17. He gets in my sig a lot. Which is not a euphemism.
  18. sol740

    auburn or oregon

    Hmmm I'm confused by all this ... defense.
  19. sol740

    Mallett is

    Loved beating Arkansas, but man Mallet can throw a purdee fade.
  20. " ... this rock ... that has the most incredible life ..." Pretty much anything else (even igneous or sedimentary life)must seem pretty incredible when compared to the utter uselessness these folks endure day to day.
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