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Everything posted by sol740

  1. May not last at $529+8 S&H http://coldhandarms.com/zencart/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=29&products_id=137 Mid-length for $20 bucks more. http://coldhandarms.com/zencart/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=29&products_id=224 I do not know if these will be in stock, or honored if they run out of stock, nor can I vouch for the seller, nor the product itself. Just reposting a deal I saw.
  2. Fuck the NCAA. That is all.
  3. Space reserved for titty triple. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/Adriana_lima_10.jpg
  4. This is to make up for the above wall of text. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/3.jpg
  5. Who then ? The church ? God himself although if that is true, then which god? The christian god isn't the oldest. Why should anyone take another man's opinion over his own if that man can't make a logical argument as to why. Believing in such an idea is not "open-minded", it's simply wishful thinking. The point of Atheism is not to "discredit everything", although that should be everyone's personal default scrutiny level regardless. Any working system should be able to withstand repeated attempts at "discrediting". Faith asks one to believe in the unbelievable, which is fine on a personal level, but to base laws, or god forbid court proceedings on such drivel is asinine. Do you shop for cars this way ? Someone pulls up to you with a piece of shit they said was mint on the phone, engine knocking, and screeching and sounding like its about die, but they tell you to trust them, what motive could they have to selling you something that isn't in tip-top shape, just as advertised. Why is asking for evidence of something "close-minded", as you call it ? Not blindingly accepting what you are told is close-minded ? You are actually repeating an age-old religious defense. Those who do not believe, are ignorant. At best it just means we disagree, at worst the minority of un-believers are subjugated, outcasted, tortured, or even outright destroyed. This is not hyperbole, it happens all the time. It's happening right now. Remember that 9/11 happened, because of religion. Even more awesome, that EVIL, EVIL MUSLIM RELIGION(it can be pretty barbaric and terrible), comes from the same region of the earth as Christianity, and Judaism. As a matter fact they are all related by Abraham. That is completely false. One's religion is almost always based on what religion that particular person was raised to believe as a child, which is almost always determined by that person's place of birth. It is called Childhood Indoctrination. If you are in the United States you will almost always believe in some variation of the christian god, to the tune of around 75%. Now you may not have been raised to believe in anything and found one's way to some form of Christianity, and believe such an event to be profoundly special, but it is not. You are mathematically more likely to find Christianity, because you are more exposed to it. If you lived in Saudi Arabia, you'd more likely be a muslim, or anywhere in Asia, a muslim, or Buddhist. If you were indoctrinated as most who believe in some shape or form are, your evidence is that those around you in your church, family functions, or fellowships also believe in the same thing. It is power in numbers. The main drive to "find god" as many call it, is simply out of fear. Fear of death, fear of losing one's consciousness, fear of being separated from the people one loves, and fear of the unknown. It is simply easier to pretend it's all taken care of if you follow "whatever". Actually the opposite is true. Religion is the entity pretending to offer all the answers. Religion has life figured out from birth to death to afterlife. Up in the clouds, 70 virgins, a thousand points of light and blah blah blah. As an Atheist practicing Agnosticism, I am perfectly happy admitting that I do not know how life "happened" on this earth. Could it have been The Big Bang, or Allah, or The 50 Foot Spaghetti Monster, or a tiny Unicorn orbiting Saturn's rings? Sure could have, but I can't know for sure, I can only estimate the probability to my best. Here are the things I do know. The bible was written by men. Men are corruptible, and can be evil, and self-serving. Hell, the bible itself, is a collection of man's constant, monumental failure to be decent, even when that man is inspired by god himself(Moses breaking the first commandment tablets, Judas ratting out Hey-Seus, Samson allowing an EVIL EVIL woman to corrupt his flowing locks, ADAM EATING OF THE FRUIT). So now do I think the Bible is true, or do I think it is a complex system of control, and revenue-generation that plays on mankinds natural fear of the unknown. I'll choose probability for $1000 Alex. Go ahead and ask me if I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Evolution happened on the macro level ? I don't, and I can't know. What I do know is I can see evolution happen on the smaller scale, and that I could at least fathom it, at a larger scale. However that is not proof. The main difference is this. If the scientific community as a general whole, finds what they believe to be a more repeatably testable answer, they will change their minds upon evidence. Religion refuses such tests, because that in and of itself, is not faith.
  6. This is on point. While we're getting that garbage out of the courts, let's fix the Pledge of Allegiance, and put that back to its original, unmolested form.
  7. Haha, just came across a deal on a commander size 1911 I may not be able to pass up. Now I'm thinking horsehide Supertuck. :bangbang:
  8. A little earned hyperbole never hurt anyone ... right ?
  9. I just did the Utah course in January, it was informative and didn't take a whole day or weekend.
  10. I was choosing between a brand new SS UC with nightsights, or this used limited UC with CT grips for a negligible difference. If I am to believe the person who sold it to me, it has less than 500 through it, came with 3 mags (no WCs ), and 50 rounds. I will put you first on the list for the grips, though I really like them, and don't see myself selling unless I swap out to something more custom. I was looking at the Supertuck first and reviews led me to Kholster. For the price I paid I am perfectly pleased with the Kholster, the warranty is great, and the 90 day no questions asked return policy makes the minor cost worth it. I do plan on staining it black, and trimming the excess leather. I'm sure eventually I'll try a Supertuck, and I'm sure I'll see where the extra cash went, but for now I'm pretty happy with it. I wore it all day yesterday and almost forgot it was there, but yeah, it's fugly looking.
  11. I was trying to think of something thoughtful and concerned, and then I el oh el'd. Still though, fuck those guys in the ear.
  12. Thats the theoretical limit I put on my DD last year. After test driving 10 different pieces of shit, I upped to 5k, and bought an Accord, so far changed the oil, and replaced the plugs. Runs well, and is a 5spd 2 door with VTAK kicking in hard.
  13. Just picked up a Kimber Ultra Carry ii w/ Crimson Trace Grips. Haven't had a chance to fire it yet(hopefully this week), but boy is it puurdeee. Had to take pics with my cell phone, sorry for the quality, my brother is borrowing my DSLR. Also purchased a Kholster IWB holster, and what it lacks in looks it more than makes up for in comfort, I can barely tell I'm wearing it. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMAG0137.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMAG0146.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMAG0149.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMAG0148.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMAG0151.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMAG0152.jpg
  14. I loved seeing the original Star Wars trilogy re-released in the theaters, back in the day. JarJar not so much.
  15. Was it an Evo ? Or just a regular lancer ? I didn't even think they could hit triple digits without falling apart.
  16. We used to live in blacklick, good schools, and for the most part nice neighborhoods(closer to gahanna is better). Although we much prefer the Lewis Center area.
  17. Well there's something you don't see every day. Clean work, and welcome.
  18. I will have no part in such barbarism.
  19. The Serie V is one of my favorites.
  20. I propose a cigars and scotch club. Smoking jackets required.
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