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Everything posted by sol740

  1. I just picked up up for $35 on slick, but $40 is a good deal too.
  2. I haven't had the column lock up yet, but if I'm understanding other folks instructions correctly I should install the bypass to avoid it.
  3. High 13's but yes, they could do it. They also mod up nicely. I like srt4's. Though the Evo easily has the handling/braking edge. Whether or not that's worth the extra coin is subjective. The srt4 gets a similar bad rap compared to the evo. "Just a neon", "Just a lancer.", which at least in the evos case is borderline retarded. Different engine, different transmission, different body panels, different hood, different wheels and brakes, different seats, different steering wheel, AWD, turbocharged. I'm sure I'm missing stuff, and I'm not sure how many differences there are between the standard neon, and srt4 trim, but they're hardly econoboxes.
  4. Shit. I guess I need to order one of those too.
  5. sol740


    Thanks Sam, and thanks to everyone who provided me with info, or a reference. We are considering all of our options.
  6. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/Awesomesmilies-038.jpg
  7. You are forgetting fantastic braking, suspension, and rigidity married to superb stock seats, steering wheel, and shifter placement. Also, easy mod-ability right out of the box. I'd say being capable of 13's bone stock is fast in my book. Faster than 95% of whats on the road, even more so when you throw it on a track. Hyundais have come a long way though .
  8. http://entanglement.gopherwoodstudios.com/light
  10. WTF !?!? HAHAHAHAHA !
  11. If you believe in a god, and you believe that he is an all-knowing, all-encompassing, omnipotent deity, then yes, whether actively or passively(even though that doesn't make any sense), he made, or allowed them to be made that way. Don't get annoyed simply because I call out the fact that such ideology's should play by their own rules. Let me quote Epicurus: "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is impotent.Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Whence then is evil?" I wasn't actually trying to get into a theological debate as they are pointless, everyone will decide for themselves what they choose to believe in, just making light of the "well god put that disabled person there so you could feel good about you" sentiments. Again, don't take it so seriously, I certainly can understand that being in said situation could be very moving, and make one appreciate the things ones does have, when compared to someone who has problems that most of us can't fathom. The next logical line of reasoning(for myself anyway) would be to try and figure out why good/bad things do in fact happen, outside of divine designation/intervention. In my eyes it's simply because we as people are imperfect, high-level functioning mammals. Also as we delve deeper into gene-therapy, stem-cell research, even singularity events, we learn that most disabilities should be eradicated within a certain time period. So we'll be able to accomplish what god could or would not. If you want to say that I'm ignorant because I deny the existence of a "loving" god, who "loves" you more than anything else(even shuffleboard), yet would allow terrible things to happen to you, due to the "bigger picture", then as you said, that's your point of view. I would ask you what is not ignorant about insulting someone who does not believe in the same unproven idea as you ? Because I consider myself relatively well-educated, especially in regards to religious ideology/philosophy/conundrums/, and whatnot. What happened to your brother was terrible, and I was sorry to read it. His service is much appreciated by myself, and many, many on this board.
  12. Glenlivet. Mcclelland. Glenfiddich.
  13. I clicked that thinking there would be more tits. I am disappoint.
  14. Should I swat the low hanging fruit and make a "hooters" joke ? I think I just did.
  15. God making people disabled to give other people life changing epiphanies is why I don't believe in god. However, seeing as how this has obviously affected you in a positive way (having someone else's situation bring yours into perspective), I am glad that you are re-energized. I also hope you stay positive about your goings-on, and good luck with everything.
  16. Uggghh. I am going to not negative rep you immediately only because you are a member's son. Take the advice others have already given you, and read the intro sticky. Try again, and you may save this failfest. LMAO !!!
  17. sol740


    Thanks for the info everyone, and Evan, that's a great looking patio, and very similar to what we are wanting. Adding names to the list. Once we decide exactly the layout we want we can try to get some estimates.
  18. sol740


    LOL. I sort of respect the wife. How about ex-girlfriends ? Can I trade those for patio ?
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