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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Ohhh ... Arab religions, is there anything dumber ?
  2. New Wag-sig. I've been waiting.
  3. 23 yr old husband shoots grandma-wife in head during sex fantasy. Classy.
  4. I know shit about trucks, but that thing is pretty tits.
  5. Maybe I don't have all the info, but everything I heard on the radio was a little suspect. There's no surveillance footage I assume ?
  6. Nice ! I am actually surprised it's still active. You never know when those deals are gonna expire.
  7. Fuck Mark May, that whiny bitch. What about Cam, Mark ? Somehow forgetting his paid for, ineligible ass is in an SEC school, and that the NCAA turned a blind fucking eye and is allowing him to play in a much more important game ? The god damn national championship.
  8. Merry Christmas everyone. Be safe, and have fun.
  9. If you can deal with rebates DO THIS. http://slickdeals.net/permadeal/43999/tigerdirect.com-galaxy-geforce-gtx-460-gc-edtion-768mb-gddr5-video-card?&page=2#comments Scroll up to top.
  10. Pixies Deadmau5 Dieselboy Technical Itch Operation Ivy Leftover Crack Mastodon God Forbid Sonic Youth Joy Division My Bloody Valentine The Roots Wu-tang There's way more I just can't think of em.
  11. I believe this is the second image you have posted that incited this response from me ... OMMFG.
  12. sol740

    Map of metal

    I approve of this map. Particularly the Melodic Death, Second wave of Black Metal, and New Wave of American Heavy Metal.
  13. It literally comes down to how important a hardware keyboard is to you. I have an Evo, my boss has an Epic. They are both great phones. I personally prefer the slim profile of a slate phone. That and every springloaded slideout phone I've ever had eventually became sloppier in regards to the action of the keyboard sliding out. Or in the worst case (my Pre, which I otherwise loved), the upper half became very loose, and could almost twist.
  14. Anytime we nab Florida recruits, I smile.
  15. Correct, also he stated he would be avoiding university presidents that already publicly oppose (aka reap the benefits of the current system) by going straight to the major donors, and convincing them instead. Also one must keep in mind that very few schools currently turn a profit off of football, we just happen to live in a state with a major university that does. Seeing as how estimates of the overall profitability of a playoff are around 5 times what the BCS generates, that's a lot of potential money getting thrown around to schools that could very much use it, especially in the current economic climate. Plenty of other reasons outside of revenue generation. Want to see an SEC team play in the snow ? For the students and fans that want to attend games post-season games, if your team earns home games, no more travel, hotels, plane tickets, and mini-vacations for a single exhibition game. No more barely filled stadiums or university's losing money, when they are forced to front ticket sales for bowls. I would seriously doubt the likelihood of any Div1 post season game not being sold out. There's plenty of worthwhile angles to work. I don't see it as being likely per se, but being the fan of college football that I am, any real chance I see at a positive competitive change I get excited for. It is also nice having a person say he's willing to back it personally, and actually having the available funds to do so.
  16. Jim Delany now officially considering renaming the divisions. YES ! See everybody, complaining can work. Now everyone back Mark Cuban and we're playoff bound.
  17. I was more impressed than I should have been.
  18. sol740

    Epic posts

    ^ OMG haha, totally forgot about Team Output there for a moment.
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