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Flyin Miata

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Everything posted by Flyin Miata

  1. The guy at Subway made my entire sandwich by himself. Boy that sure was nice of him to do!
  2. http://healium.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/obamam-lol-y-u-mad-tho.jpg
  3. Aside from the crank issue, the motor is fucking indestructible. Biggest rust area on mine is in front of the rear wheel well on each side, but it's been through quite a few winters. For pretty good deals on used parts, I usually go to http://www.planet-miata.com . It's a Miata only junkyard in PA so the parts usually ship quick. Just make sure you double check that they have the right part number down that you want, they do all ordering over the phone and I've had some issues before. Nothing that they haven't made right though. If you've got any specific questions send me a PM. If I don't know I can probably find out. Definitely check out http://www.miata.net and the forum there, it's a bunch of old people who don't have a sense of humor but there is a shitload of information there, especially in the "garage" section.
  4. I'm going to pre-order the vinyl set. I got the In Rainbows discbox when it was still available and I don't regret it. The quality and time they put into their vinyl sets is crazy.
  5. From the article: "He explained that Courtyard and the band learned what aspects of the In Rainbows release worked and what aspects did not during the campaign. The decision was made not to take an ‘honesty box’ approach with The King Of Limbs, as they had with In Rainbows." http://www.greenplastic.com/2011/02/15/radiohead-manager-explains-album-release-strategy/
  6. I saw them at Blossom for the In Rainbows tour, I was in the pit about 10 feet from the stage. By far the best concert experience I'll probably ever have.
  7. If anyone hear cares (and even if you don't), Radiohead is releasing a new album on Saturday, first new one since In Rainbows. http://www.thekingoflimbs.com/ Hopefully this means some kind of tour...
  8. Obviously you don't, but some people do. There are plenty of people who don't give a flying fuck about cars or racing either, so I'm sure they would find almost everyone on this forum annoying.
  9. No advice, but I'd like to know how it goes and what is involved. My doctor told me I had symptoms of a mild hiatal hernia (I'm 22, he said it was probably stress/weight gain related). He put me on Prilosec and it works like a dream but I'm not sure I want to take it for the rest of my life.
  10. Check out the North Korea one. It's a rare look into what is basically the most mysterious place in the world.
  11. You can still buy Chi Chi's branded stuff in grocery stores, but it just isn't the same.
  12. Just don't complain when crime levels go up even further.
  13. Have fun rebuilding your credit score.
  14. High school kids today are not, for the most part, writing lyrics like this. Too busy watching the fucking Jersey Shore to pay attention to what is actually going on around them.
  15. Holy shit I never knew there were people on this forum with actual good taste in music. Sister Ray is one of my favorite songs of all time. And Funhouse is just a great album from start to finish. We need a thread that you can only post in if you solemnly swear that you have never thought to yourself, "Hey, this Nickelback song is pretttttty good."
  16. It's a remake of the original one that was on some British channel. The british version is pretty good actually, but I heard the MTV one is god awful.
  17. I know someone who is somewhat good friends with him, I think he went to school with MGKs manager or something. Interested in how far he's going to make it.
  18. As soon as I got to the part about the Bible, it was obvious this lady is probably a little nuts herself. If she thinks handcuffing her kid to a chair with a Bible is going to fix him, then she isn't fit to be a fucking parent. If you can't control your kid, regardless of whether or not he is a dumbass, then take him to a boot camp or get some other external help. Seems like she did this out of despair, but that is no way to be a parent. And sure I'm only 22 don't know what it's like to be a parent blah blah blah, but this is my view. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out.
  19. I drive down that road often, not sure I remember seeing this place but I've heard about it. I'm one town over in Mentor, it's at least a little better.
  20. Hahaha. I'm sure the Design network has something on for everyone else here.
  21. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=87765 Repost, but still very cool.
  22. Hey guys! Check out this cool new artist, his name is Justin Bieber. He's a great mix of pop and rock, with a little somethin' for the ladies (wink wink)! Also this Colt Ford shit is making real country musicians turn in their fucking graves. If this is a joke, then I applaud you. If it isn't, I'm genuinely worried for you. Absolutely god awful.
  23. Drive past his house a few times every day with an airhorn. Won't fix your situation but you'll feel better.
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