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Flyin Miata

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Everything posted by Flyin Miata

  1. http://www.bin-tow.com/images/products/bin-tow1.jpg
  2. They are because they don't play the Black Eyed Peas.
  3. Thanks for the offer, but I just bought one of these hopefully not total crap charge cables since I had a target gift card I forgot about. From what I read they don't fully charge up until 5 or 6 full cycles, so we'll see what happens. If it ends up not working as well as I hope, I may hit you up about that controller.
  4. It's cool, although I was pretty confused trying to imagine how the controller could plug into the ethernet port.
  5. I had no clue these even existed until now, but it's exactly what I need. Thanks for enlightening me .
  6. I know this is kind of a long shot, but is there anyone out there with a good condition wired controller for Xbox 360 that would want to trade for a wireless one? I like the lightness of the wired one, and not having to deal with batteries is a plus. Anyone that has one and wants to trade let me know, I'm willing to drive to anywhere in the greater Columbus area.
  7. Not sure if you've ever watched Intervention, but there was a crazy chick who was addicted to these lollipop looking things that were full of dilaudid. Stuff definitely works wonders for those who need it, but this girl took it way beyond that.
  8. Holy shit does that work well. I almost thought about buying one of those ambient noise iPhone apps to listen to at night but this sounds great.
  9. Haha, I played drums on Birdland in junior high jazz band. Cool song.
  10. Start out with the well known guys: Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Stan Getz, etc. Not all of them play saxophone but they have guys in their bands that did. From there you can find out who those guys are and see what else they did. The first jazz album I ever heard was Kind of Blue by Miles Davis (probably one of the most popular jazz albums in history). Also, here's a big old list if you really want to start a serious collection: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_jazz_saxophonists
  11. Looks like you tried to link from an attachment on a private forum, I can't see them either.
  12. Search it on google, some people are saying they are bought with stolen credit card numbers. So... yea, you might get lucky and get away with it. But I wouldn't risk it.
  13. Columbus Racing should be butter...
  14. Just think of how many cases of ramen noodles he can buy now!
  15. I love it, and I actually think the wheels work well with the look. I think it's funny that people hate it so much. Plus with any rock taller than an inch or two will just get pushed around your car rather than going under it.
  16. Flyin Miata

    My car

    When I was young dumb and in High School, I raced a friend's 3.8 Mustang with an intake and exhaust. I own a Miata with an exhaust, and maybe 120 hp on a GOOD day. He beat me by maybe a length and a half, and I fucked up a shift. I'm sure it's been said many times already, but quit while you're ahead and save your money for something worthwhile.
  17. The funny thing is, no one would make a big deal out of this if it had two pieces of bread. When I used to work at Steak n Shake they had double and triple chicken sandwiches, which I'm sure are much worse than the Double Down. The lack of bread is the only thing that is making people talk about this.
  18. So you believe the people with little knowledge about cars over people who are actually interested in them?
  19. Porches: http://www.dreamsofyesteryear.com/images/porch-front.jpg http://www.woodworkersworkshop.com/graphics5/black&decker-porches.jpg Porsches: http://www.fahrcar.com/porsche-new-911-turbo-side.jpg http://matchstic.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/porsche-959-p1-7.jpg
  20. Sorry, but there is no way that a GTR is better looking than a 911, or almost any other Porsche for that matter. Just because a car stands out doesn't mean it looks good. Ask anyone who bought an Aztek...
  21. TLC might as well change their name now. The only thing I've been learning on that channel recently is how much reality shows suck.
  22. I work at a late night dining hall on campus, so as soon as that concert let out all the sluts came over to get food. It was a good night to be working .
  23. Brennan's is technically in the small shithole town of Grand River, but it's real close to Painesville. I don't eat fish much, but when I do that's where I go. My parents knew the old owners somehow. Also they still had Great Lakes Christmas Ale on tap in February, when every one else was out.
  24. I'm not sure that I could trust a tobacco company with growing marijuana. They use so many chemicals and additives in mass produced tobacco, what would keep them from doing the same to weed? The two biggest problems with legalization right now are the ability for the government to regulate and tax it, and the fact that there is no easy test to check if someone is driving while under the influence. If they can solve both these problems, I think a lot more people would support legalization.
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