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Flyin Miata

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Everything posted by Flyin Miata

  1. Maybe not the same article, but still has some interesting info. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ryan-grim/read-the-never-before-pub_b_227887.html Basically it's about the letter that Hoffman wrote to Steve Jobs about how LSD affected the development of his career.
  2. Seriously... it's even in the first sentence of the article. Or maybe people just don't know what the word fictitious means.
  3. fixed http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landover_Baptist_Church
  4. I don't want to start an argument because I know neither of us would change our minds on this issue. But I can say I know where mine comes from and who produces it, and I would trust them as much as anyone else I know. Concerning marijuana, you can't convince me that it is in the grower's best interest to adulterate their product. They want people to come back to them, not to go somewhere else. Now if you're talking about cocaine or heroin, that's a whole different story. All drugs are not equal .
  5. Yea, I'd rather stick with the illegal stuff that I know isn't going to put me in a coma.
  6. There need to be more people like this in the world.
  7. I saw some of that, half of the movie is hard drug use and swearing. How on earth could you cut that down to TV-14?
  8. That's what I thought at first, but it's just too badass to pass up. Might be the best movie of all time IMO.
  9. Nevermind, ended up going with this one. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=42706369&ref=sr_gallery_8&&ga_search_query=macbook+pro+decals&ga_search_type=all&ga_page=5&includes[]=tags&includes[]=title Nothing beats Pulp Fiction.
  10. Damn these are pretty cool, thinking about the Legoman or Kirby one. Batman gotham city looks pretty sweet too.
  11. Yea someone should post spoilers, my phone is all borked up and I can't call anyone.
  12. There were so many forced laughs on this show that I thought I was watching Mad TV. Can't believe that Seinfeld is producing such an awful show.
  13. Any chance WOW will be adding some more HD channels in the near future? We switched from TWC for a cheaper bill but the HD selection is pretty poor compared to what we used to have. Would love Comedy Central, CNN, Travel Channel, etc.
  14. I love this guy's avatar, but a real troll doesn't let other people know he's trolling. Looks like we have a troll fail. Also his story about drunk driving in Willoughby does hold up, as far as the train tracks and all that shit. I used to live one town over. If you want to see some other fun threads, look up his name on Cleveland racing.
  15. Haven't been able to take down Jager since high school. Had it at a party, kid's parents showed up, and as I tried to put my sober face on and shake their hand I barfed all over the front lawn. I tried it once since then in a Jagerbomb, but the taste still makes me twitch.
  16. He's either the world's most spoiled brat, or the world's best troll. Still trying to decide.
  17. Flyin Miata


    Moe's was the shit. I lived in an apartment just around the corner back when they were still around. Any burrito plus the queso sauce = heaven. Now it's some weird Mediterranean place.
  18. http://www.woot.com/Forums/ViewPost.aspx?PostID=763047&PageIndex=71&ReplyCount=2901#post792092 Links to pics of the note and the TV are a few posts above that one. Basically they gave the guy a note saying the third piece of crap wouldn't fit, and that they would have a delivery service contact him. He ended up with a 61 inch TV. That alone is a good enough reason for me to continue trying to get in on the bag of crap. Nothing like paying a few bucks for a giant TV.
  19. A few real lucky people have got LCD TV's, but seeing as how most of the stuff they put in bags of crap is what they couldn't sell it's pretty likely that you'll get junk.
  20. My friend has gotten the bag of crap twice now, first one was total shit but the second one had an 8gb Sansa MP3 player and some other decent stuff. You either have to sit there hitting refresh at 12:59 every night or use one of the websites that will auto-buy it for you.
  21. USA Today has a pretty good crossword app for 5 bucks. Besides that, I use Free Solitaire, New York Times, and Skee Ball.
  22. These are the icicles hanging from my apartment. Tallest one might be 6 or 7 feet now. Every car in the parking lot is hanging out about 4 feet to avoid getting hit by this shit. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v301/miataman91/PIC_0006.jpg
  23. My apartment is on top of a pretty good hill too, I'm not worried. I remember in the 90's when we got hit in Cleveland pretty good. The snow was up to my face and school shut down for almost an entire week. That is what a blizzard should be, not this 10 inch dusting.
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